So where did we leave you....Bangkok? Well we met Becky and Mike on Khao San road (while I - Rach - was haggling to buy some bracelets that ended up being hideously overpriced whoops!) and they were a bit poorly sick but ok and it was lovely to see them. Sdaly we wernt able to do much shopping coz of the rain and the bloody heat - gosh its hot - but we did enjoy a nice Starbucks and a McDonalds, again whoops but we will eat Thai from now on, promise. Me and Al left on Tuesday night to travel to Koh Tao on a bus then a boat. Bus was 8 hours, and Mieke if you're erading we stopped at that same crazy cafe on the side of the road as last year, and had tea with condensed milk again! I didnt sleep a wink the whole journey while Al was catching flies zzz..... Bus arrived at Chumporn dock at 2 am instead of 4 so we had a joyfull wait outside on a bench for 5 hours until the boat came, but I did take some nice early morning photos with my snazzy camera.
Boat to Koh Tao was fine, and it was lovely to have a sea breeaze4 again, the sky is blue and the sun is shining so we were happy bunnies. Unfortunately our fave guest house Happy Bungalows was booked out so we stayed at a beach hut overlooking the crystal blue sea, gorgeous we thought. Went for lovely chilled lunch and tea then came home for a well deserved sleep after little the night before. Unfortunately at 2 am we were woken up by a hideous monster in our bed that was trying to eat Alex - a MAHOOSIVE millapede thing had crawled into our bed and pincered poor Alex's arm and drawn blood!!! Ew was so gross. After much wimpering and hugging we walked into town to see if there was a bar we could sleep in as the 'thing' had crawled under our bed and aint no way we were getting back in there that night, but sadly only place that was open was a nasty club. So we walked back and decided to sleep on our chairs n the middle of the room. I also decided for extra precautions to spray insect repellant around the chair legs. As Im writing this I am very aware how pathetic this truly sounds, but realy, it was masssive and gross.
Also - couple of funny events ive missed out - I was confused the other morning when I put my contacts in and couldnt see clearly. I had Alex's in. Whoops. And had already tried to throw once away thinking it was a dud so we had to retrieve it from the bin. Sorry Al.
Beck and Mike have arrived this morning as they waited an extra day in Bangkok to see off their friends, and are staying at Happy Bungalows with us. So were looking forward to a few nice chilled days here, hoping to go on a boat trip snorkelling on Sat and have some unbirthday drinks for me and Alex before we leave them. The weather is gorg, we have a few mozzie bites but are good. Internet is pretty pricey here ( as is everthing compared to last time we were here last year) so were going to wait until were back in Bangkok on Monday to put some photos up. Hope everyone is good at home, will update soon. Loves! Rach and Al x x x
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