So, we are finally in bangkok after a long journey.. Supposedly 6hours manc - dubai and 6hours dubai - bangkok.. 4th may - 5th may... however.. we got delayed in manc due to 3 men drinkin copius amounts of alcohol and havin to be takin off the plane along with their luggage so we were delayed 4 hours.. so, we missed our connectin flight! lol what a laugh we thought the plane would wait in dubai for us.. silly blondes and bruntte! then we thought we'd just catch a later plane HOWEVER, we ended up being put on a plane the following day at 17.55 bearing in mind this was at 6am the day before... eeeks! not all bad though got put up in a swanky 5 star hotel for free and free food and drinks... not bad, eh! untill dum dum dum... ah bags didnt turn up!!!
so anyway we're all safe and sound at our accomodation in bangkok but without rachaels bag aaargh!!! nightmare anyway its really hot and we've just had a walk down kho san road and had a cu;ture shock. but its all good! our adventure begins.. we're plannin to catch the overnight sleeper train to chang mai tomoorrow.. as long as rachys bag turns up!!
send us all the goss from home and we'll keep u updated
love to you all
the 3 muskateers!!!! hehe
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