well guys, Ive been in Banff for 10 days, I thought id better do a blog! Its the most amazing place ive ever seen, A small town nestled in the canadian rockies, so surreal, Not much snow yet, It should fall in the next 2-3 weeks! I have done a few hikes and had a look around, Its very easy to get tangled up in the party scene especially at the hostel im at!
I thought i had better get my act into gear and get a job, I went looking yesterday and got a job today at a snow shop in town, Work 4 days a week full time. So 3 days off is great to board! I also have somewhere to live!! all is set! There are tonnes of people here aged 18-30, nightlife is good. its still quiet apparently, Lots of people flock here to work and live at the end of November.. Lots of aussies, We are called JAFA by canadians... just another f**king aussie, Its hilarious. Well thats all my goss for now xo
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