well guys, Ive been in Banff for 10 days, I thought id better do a blog! Its the most amazing place ive ever seen, A small town nestled in the canadian rockies, so surreal, Not much snow yet, It should fall in the next 2-3 weeks! I have done a few hikes and had a look around, Its very easy to get tangled up in the party scene especially at …
well guys, Ive been in Banff for 10 days, I thought id better do a blog! Its the most amazing place ive ever seen, A small town nestled in the canadian rockies, so surreal, Not much snow yet, …
Hi everyone! Just checkin in, Ive spent the last 2 weeks with my canadian family in Victoria, on Vancouver island, Its a beautiful place and ive had a great time. Done some tourist things and …
wow,Miami is a totally different world!! Sarah and I got off the plane and headed straight to the motel, Got into our summer clothes and headed down to the beach!! Its absolutly beautiful, Pal…
my gosh, NYC is HUGE. My helicopter flight was awesome!! Sarah came in and met me in the city on Friday and we went out, The clubs here are lots of fun, Lots of RnB. We Had an experience in Ch…
Well Guys, Im in New York City & its amazing, its unbelievable just how big the city is, So far ive done the double decker bus around downtown Manhattan and Brooklyn, There is so much to s…