Got up quite late after an interesting night! We were just watching some TV before going to sleep and there was a power cut, but the aircon went off as well, obviously! Then the back up generator kicked in - right next to our room, it was really loud. So it was noisy and hot and sounded like everyone had got up and was walking around.... about 20 mins later it all righted its self, but it was quite funny at the time! Had some breakfast, then planned what to do today. We have done pretty much everything here, we have a little long here if we are honest. We have all tomorrow too! So we decided to walk to the Dragon House Wharf - where the museum of Hi Chi Minh (the man not the city!) is. When we arrived it was closed so we just looked at the ornate building and took a walk back. Poeple are starting to annoy me now with their constant asking to take you places ot sell you stuff, but we just keep talking and try to ignore them, some are very persistant though.
We walked back over the bridge and down by the river and then down a street of expensive shops, restuarants and hotels. There were some very nice things, at more expensive prices than everywhere else!
Had another look around Ben Tranh Market and Claire bought a little rucksack for the trains and a DVD box set of Gossip Girl for 110,000 - i saw Family Guy series 1 - 5 for the same price and was tempted but resisted the urge!
Got back to the hotel and had a bit of a rest, now im emailing and blogging! We will pop out for some food a bit later on. Dont feel we have done much today, but thats ok, we have to have relaxing days as we are away for so long! Tomorrow we are going to re pack and maybe download some photos while we have good internet to free space up for more! Havent taken massive amounts, but enough. I think this is the place where we spend the most time so we might be on the go more elsewhere!
I have only been away a week! I really cant beleive it, feels loads longer! Hope everyone at home is well and happy! Enjoy going back to work tomorrow hehehe XX
Spent some time relaxing and writing and reading and watching TV in the room this afternoon. We caught a Korean soap earlier, it had english subtitles so we could just about fathom out what what was happening and got into it! Ha!
Went just round the corner for dinner, to Dai Phat - which made us laugh! Claire has mixed meat fried rice and i had egg noodles with beef balls... really didnt like the beef balls, in fact they were yuk and didnt eat any. We came to the conclusion they were like luncheon meat, compacted together and then boiled for a bit and put in a soup.... Interesting. But the iced tea was good and also we got complementary water melon and pineapple to finish, which made up for it!
Back and emails and to bed! Even though our train isnt until 11pm tomorrow, we have a relaxing day planned and hopefully there might be photos on here!
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