Bev's worst travel nightmare is realized today...NFL in Bangkok!!!! We watched the game over breakfast. Go COLTS!!! I hate the Patsies (sorry, Marcus). Doug, sorry about the Ravens, bro. But when all else fails, remember that team Pootie Tang won it all! Pootie rules.
Superbowl should be a good one. It will be at 6:30AM while we are somewhere in northern Thailand or maybe Laos. Not sure if we'll be able to watch, but we'll try to hunt down a western hotel if there happens to be one near us. Bev cannot wait for the NFL season to finally be over. :)
We booked an overnight train to Chiang Mai. We leave tonight. So begins our stint in northern Thailand. We are debating a jungle trek or white water rafting. Right now there is a flower festival in Chiang Mai with representation from all over Asia, Europe, etc. Sounds interesting, but it might be difficult to get a room booked. We shall see. We are definitely itching for some kind of outdoor adventure.
Hope everyone is doing well! Miss you, and we cannot tell you how great it is to see your messages on the board and get email. It could be a while before we are back on the site, but we will update when we can. Oh...and if you want to be automagically emailed when we create an update, just let us know. We can set that up very easily.
If you haven't yet, check out the "full map" link on the map on the home page. You can view a satellite or hybrid image and scroll around. Very cool.
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