We arrived in Bangkok and had trouble finding our hostel, it didnt seem to exist... there was a number 105 and 107 but no 106!! eventually found it up the road on the opposite side, very random!! had an explore of khaoSan road that evening where there are loads of markets stalls and bars, it is backpacker central... hippies all over the place getting their hair dreaded and tatoos... dont worry mothers, we didnt join in!!!
We are currently on our intrepid tribal tour, we have stayed in a river side guest house which was actually a building floating on a river held on only by some rope!! we went swimming in Erewan waterfalls where we beacame lunch for the fish, we all got a bit freaked out by all the nibbling!
We are back in civilisation after our 3day trek, we walked about 3hours a day, which nearly killed us in the midday sun, washed in waterfalls, slept on a night train and in bamboo huts (no beds, very cold!) A little dog we named sally followed us from start to finish, all grew quite fond of sal by the end!! Cass had a go at cooking some thai food but nearly blew us away with a huge dollop of curry powder!! Lauren and steph had a thai massage by the women in the hill tribe village, was hillarious, we were bent in directions i really dont think we should be!!! Ah... the loo, cant really be classed as a loo, it had a door, and a bin, and a hole, and a bucket of water as a 'flush', bit smelly and awekward! we all tried to use it a little as possible! The best bit was riding the elephants, fed them lots of bananas - greedy little moos! every few minutes this big trunk would reach back and blow smelly breath at you if you didnt feed it!! Steph got covered in banana goo and elephant juices, cass got felt up by the thai elephant handler and lauren's knee got sucked in place of the banana!! such a laugh, a bit scary going up and down steep hills but really fun!
We had some really nice people lookiong after us on the trek, Tar is our group leader or 'sister' as she likes to call us, Kan was our trek leader - bit of a funny one, and our 2 porters (spiderman and sexyman) all thai and really nice!! And Mel... the 4th girl, shes from NZ, she doesnt like sally, it sounds like she's moaning all the time saying 'oh my goodness.... i dont wanna get raibieees' and puts on mozzy repellent every 5 minutes because ' i dont wanna get malaria!!' she is so ANNOYING!! All trying really hard to like her but 'are you seeeeeeeerious' is doing our nut in!!!
Back in Chiang Mai and have had our 'Day 9: Hot shower' so nice to be clean!!
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