G'day everyone,
Hope you are all well. We are reaching the end of our time in Sydney. We've had such a good time we've drank loads ate loads danced loads it's been great. We pick up a car on Thurs 22nd for two weeks then on the 5th may we fly from Sydney to Brisbane. We're not sure where we are going to take the car yet, either south to Canberra or north to the Gold Coast, we'll probable toss a coin.
I have loved it so much here, I'm now a good snorkeller although I still think jaws is gonna take my leg off. I've seen all kinds of things in the rock pools fish the size of my arm, all different colours, crabs, seaweed. The other day I was snorkelling off rocks at Clovelly Beach when a local told us that there are Stonefish on the rocks ( a Stonefish can kill you if trood on ). I got out that quick that I cut all my foot, great I thought sharks can smell blood from miles away I swiftly left the water.
We have hired out a Hyundi Getz ( the most unpowerful car I've ever drove, the engine sounds like a moped ) and drove south to a place called Jervis Bay which was one of the most beautiful places I've ever been. The sand on the beaches there is the whitest in the world. We stayed in a chalet type caravan, you have to kind of turn yourself off from the wierd wildlife that probably could kill you. All kinds of things land on you. Karen and Rich got really freaked out when baby praying mantus ( forgive the spelling ) landed on us. Then I got stung by a mossie and had a massive allergic reaction. But then you see the Kookaburras and parrots and the Kangaroos and coo over them all.
I've seen blue jelly fish, spiders the size of my hand, and lizards. We've bought a two man tent and we're off bush camping so that should be really interesting. The camp sites in the Bush are in the middle of nowhere and you are ussually the only camper. They have free barbie facilities and that's it.
Somebody told me if you see a hole in the ground with a web over it not to go near, as this is where the Funnel Web Spider lives, again this b***** would kill you.
I've been to watch rugby games live, the sydney rabbitooo's all the SLIMS ( Single Low Income Males ) support them, you go and you feel like your gonna get stabbed, there about the worst team I've ever watched and I used to support Fev Rovers.
All in all it's been great, Sydney is the most beautiful city in the world, you can go into a restaurant in shorts and trainers and nobody gives a hoot. I love it here but now it's time to move on. I will keep you updated where ever I end up next.
Keep in touch we love hearing from you all,
Take it easy
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