Bermudapep - Never stop Exploring or integrity.
ARRIVED in Alaska... messed up my internal clock... and oh my God - you said its what time 11PM!!!??? And its still broad day light... need a beer! Had a beer and its now 1am Alaska time... 8pm Sydney and its still light out... weird!!! At least now I will sleep! Got lucky with a place to stay... advice - don't arrive somewhere without knowing where your staying ESPECIALLY after 26 hours of flying and little sleep! Anyway... the flight in was beautiful from about Oregon on! Volcanoes, then forests, then rivers and finally mountains that became more and more snow covered! And tonnes of sun! Its beautiful and warm, 80+ degrees by day and about about 0 by twylight... there is NO night at this time of year!!! Anyway... head to Haines tomorrow by Bus... Check ya - come visit! Peter
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