Hey ho finally time for a new entry.
Well last night in sydney went a bit like this. Went into town to sort a few bits out then decided we'd go to the Irish pub that we had drunk in before but as we got there it seemed closed so we walked round to the other door to be greated by a very drunk Pat (he's the owner) we are closed he said but said we could go in for one which we did. in the pub were Pat Tommy Philip(top guy) and another bloke i cant remember his name. Pat was just pissed as a fart only thing harder than trying to understand an irish person is a drunk one! Tommy probably about 65 also drunk and also hard to understand. Phill i funny funny bloke, had me n knotty in stitches most of the time. well we ended up having a few in there then moving on to another pub up the road which ended in us staggering but to the hotel in a bit of a staight! Anyway next day flight to Auckland Bla Bla Bla arrived midnight that night slept at the airport then went and picked up the camper. The camper is a legend in my eyes it plods along 60 mph just about get 70 down hill with the wind behind us but its the nuts. we drove down to rotarua the same day walked through the national park looking at some of the stinky geysers and mud pools, strange things they are but well worth seeing i think. Next stop was the supermarket to stock up on rice pasta and beans and bread, simple, oh and we bought a few beers. That evening parked up along side the Lake at rotarua and got biten by poxy mozzys. Next day (what ever day it was or even is) we drove down to Taupo met some old couple in a rest stop who directed us to some hot pools just down the road. Man thay were wicked just swimming in a warm river like having a bath but surrounded by other people, and some fit birds (not the feathered type). We left there then whilst driving along there it was looking at us all tall and big, TAUPO BUNGY, oh yes thats what im talking about, so we shot in there only to have a look but after watching a few jumps it got the better of me and the next thing i no im standing on the scales getting weighed up for my jump. Knotty had the camcorer at the ready and i walked the plank. 47m high over a clear river. right said the fella walk to the end and look at the camera b@st#rds took a picture of me crapping my self. now jump he said, i goes 'you gotta be kidding me, push me'. Ok he said put ya hands above ya heeed and before i knew it, Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiit. Ah man what a feeling, absolutly amazing! Now i gotta convince knotty to do it! Lake Taupo was our place of rest that night then up early and drive down to Napier to see Nathan Murray. He's such a dude, so layed but and easy going with two littl ens now, Nate i thin he is 4 and Eden i think she is nearly 1 so he and Mandy have got there hands full. Right i have said plenty enough and my hands hurt from typing so angain love to all
Benny and Knotty and The Camper
P.s to the boys at DEP hope your all working hard and that the packings not to itchy or the ally room not to cold and that your days really arent dragging that much. Ha Ha Back to the sun Biatches xx
Oh and we've managed to get the Kings of Leon tickets for 11th Jan down in wellington standing to!! As they say out here 'Im so stoaked man'
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