BLT LADventure!
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Townsville, Queensland

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Mission Beach, Queensland

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Cairns, Queensland

New blog entry posted
Townsville, Queensland

New blog entry posted
Mission Beach, Queensland
Much love nan xxx I hope you had a good Christmas Lloyd, we are looking forward to seeing you in January 2015. Sarah has got your Christmas card with a cheque for Birthday and Xmas. We had a lovely meal there yesterday and Elliot and Conor said they had a marvellous time with you all in Bali. Your Dad enjoyed his surprise 50th Birthday party and I met his friends who I have not seen for years.
re: Magnetic islandNan& gramps Soooo good to hear all the fun and adventures you are having! You are going to be so bored in Colchester,and cold!!I'm looking forward to seeing you in 4weeks time.Have you got somewhere to stay in Sydney as it sounds as though the whole world is going to be there,sure you will find someone's floor to crash out on!Luv & miss you loads TAKE CARE nan & gramps x x x
re: Magnetic islandLynsey Who wrote this ? You've done a grand job ! I can picture everything as I read it, so feeling highs when I imagine you all decending onto the dance floor when Bob Marley is played and you're all dying to have a boogie. Lows when I imagine the poor child that was offered for sale. sad ! And chuckling to myself when I picture Danny flying through the streets on the back of a moped in hot pursuit of a pizza ! :-) Looking forward to the next installment lads X
re: Bali ang Gili TrawangenBen Millard Well I'm not jealous at all by the sounds of that holiday!!! Haha Jesus that sounded and looked sick! Glad all you boys had a sick time and you got to see your brothers again Lloyd! I will be looking at these blogs constantly for your travels down the east coast. I'm missing all you boys loads back here! Glad your still all having the time of your lives! Just please don't get eaten by a shark and come back to visit us all lol. I love you all and take care of yourselves! UP THE BOYSSSSSSSS! Xxx
re: Bali ang Gili TrawangenDanielle Reid Sounds amazing keep living the dream guys lots off love to you all x
re: Bali ang Gili TrawangenNan & gramps Thanks, very exciting & sounded a bit dodgy, TAKE CARE in these way out places ! Sounds like you all had a good time ,photos were good too,keep them coming.We all like to hear from you. Luv & miss you loads nan & gramps xxx
re: Bali ang Gili TrawangenDawn That was brilliant boys. Thank you for putting in the effort. Still all sounds amazing. Take care and have fun xx
re: Bali ang Gili TrawangenRobin Wow thanks lads for letting us share all that with you - it was AMAZING!!!! Thank you so much. Love you all XxX
re: Bali ang Gili TrawangenRobin Echo, yes its so good to have a bloig to read and the photos to go with it too, so we can really picture what you're telling us. You all sound such good mates, I know you've worked while you are there, but you've obviously enjoyed it tremendously too. We are all looking forward to seeing you in January. Have a great time travelling again, look after each other again and keep blogging. Love you all. Mum (Tims mum) XXX
re: PERTHChris Boys you did good through your stay in Aus worked hard and played hard by the sounds of it ............. Keep it calm and look after El and Conor in Bali .Nice to some blogtastic updates it was good to read , looking forward to Xmas and new year in Sydney nice fireworks apparently . So be good and careful Love Dad and Sarah
re: PERTHNan & gramps Oh soo lovely to have a blog again.Yes we did miss them !! Yes you had a busy time and it sounded like you all enjoyed most of it .Are Danny & Sam travelling with you after Bali it will be good if your in your own little gang for a while,looking after each other.Bet Danny is looking forward to some action!Hope the flight to Bali goes well,Elz is looking forward to coming,look after little bro!! Keep them coming TAKE CARE Luv & miss you nan& gramps xx
re: PERTH- last visited

- travel plan
- Pak Shek Kiu, Hong Kong
- Hanoi, Vietnam
Nan& gramps Soooo good to hear all the fun and adventures you are having! You are going to be so bored in Colchester,and cold!!I'm looking forward to seeing you in 4weeks time.Have you got somewhere to stay in Sydney as it sounds as though the whole world is going to be there,sure you will find someone's floor to crash out on!Luv & miss you loads TAKE CARE nan & gramps x x x
Much love nan xxx I hope you had a good Christmas Lloyd, we are looking forward to seeing you in January 2015. Sarah has got your Christmas card with a cheque for Birthday and Xmas. We had a lovely meal there yesterday and Elliot and Conor said they had a marvellous time with you all in Bali. Your Dad enjoyed his surprise 50th Birthday party and I met his friends who I have not seen for years.