We have been in Sydney for 8 days and have managed to see quite a lot of stuff. After a couple of quiet days with not great weather we managed to go and see Bondi Beach, along with a couple of others. Took us a while to get there as we decided to walk via MacPherson Street, where there was also a park named after us. The coastal walk was really nice, though the weather again let us down and rained on us at Bondi! We did manage to see the tramp who resides in the rocks on Bondi though. Apparantly it is the most expensive piece of real estate in Sydney, and he has been living there for 25 years!
Since we are staying longer than most people we travelled with there have been a few farewell parties which have been fun. Sam also went and met up with some people who he met whilst out here on tour last summer. Spent a hungover Saturday in Hyde Park which was really nice. Game of cricket with some Indians, who ended up leaving 'cos Sam kept hitting the ball by the road! Also popped into the Anzac Museum which was cool. Spent some time by the harbour and saw the QE2 which was docked here for a while, as was the Queen Victoria, though we didn't see her.
Spent the rest of the weekend with our friends who we met in Thailand. Went to watch them playing cricket and had a picnic etc. Was good to catch up with them, and think we will be staying with them over the weekend once we leave Grant and Victoria's. Monday night was really great.... We went on the bridge climb. Not sure quite what to expect, we had a brilliant time. The whole thing itself took 3 1/2 hours, and we were suited and booted up to the extreme! A jump suit, wooly hat, radio, headset and a fleece, as well as being attached to the bridge made us a little heavier than usual. The experience was great though, and the views at night of the Opera House and the city itself were awesome. Got some amazing pictures of it too!
Today we headed to the Blue Mountains, which is about a 2 hour train ride from Sydney centre. That was really nice, and we did plenty of walking round the valleys to get great views of the waterfalls and the national park itself. Unfortunately, the weather seems to have turned again now, and the forecast for the next few days is not great.... Infact, thunderstorms and torrential rain!! Meant to clear up by the weekend which is fortunate as we have tickets for the cricket final on Sunday. Looking forward to that, and also moving to the north side of the city. Lots to look forward to. Hope everybody is well.
Love Ben and Sam, x
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