In the morning we drove back to Florence, and had some minor parking issues but thank god we narrowly missed a hefty parking fine for parking in the centre of the city.Once we were parked safely we walked around the city, starting at the Piazza di Santa Croce and the church where Michelangelo is buried, but we weren't able to get in because…
Welcome to Ben and Bek's Wicked Van Tour! After many months of 'working hard' in the UK we've hired a van and will be making our way across europe, seeing the sights, eating the local specialities and drinking copious amounts of beer and wine! Check out our plan below, no doubt we'll make changes along the way but thats the beauty of having your own transport!
Have fun reading about our adventures driving around Europe and don't forget to leave us messages!
Di&Darrol Sachs
Hi guys
Have just found your address on a scrap of paper from Berlin. Our trip has been great, despite a breakin in Lucca where we lost a spare camera & our laptop. Currently in Spain for 6 weeks avoiding the European winter, heasd back to UK late April & home to Oz first week in May.
Wow, awesome photos! You have had such an amazing holiday and have seen so many beaytiful places. Ben some of your photos are fantastic, maybe a new career coming up? It was great catching up with the both of you in sunny Italy. So after this what's next? How can you top this amazing trip? Suppose first time for a reality check and get more cash rolling in. Hope to talk soon it has been soooooo long.
Much love and big hugs xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi guys,
Just been looking at your pics-looks like you're having an amazing time. Keep enjoying yourselves. Bek-how long until you see your folks?? Bet your excited.
Anyway, keep the blogs coming-love hearing what your up to and tell me when you're coming to visit.
Missing our regular chats so have loads of catching up to do.
Mwah xoxox
Hmmm....the only person (apart from me!) to leave a message on your message board is your friends????
I'm jealous as hell...... enjoy your trip
Hey guys have an awesome start to your new adventure. looking forward to seeing you in about three weeks in sunny Italy.Can't wait to see some of the wonderful sights together. Ciao, chi vediamo presto.