Ok so we have had an interesting few days! Friday was the biggest day of celebrations for Semana Santa. We went out in the evening to the black cat hostel for dinner and drinks. was me kerry winston and carmen. we had 3 days off school cus friday was a complete public holiday for everyone so we had no Estela at the house too from thursday til monday. One of the guys who stayed here last week Omar left sunday so he threw a house party here Friday night. there was a lot of people here and they left such a mess. poor estela came back to about 20 glasses and i mountain of washing up on monday and rubbish all over the floor where the bin isnt big enough. alcohol is prohibited in the house as is house parties and youre not even allowed friends in the house. we have kerry and others over but dont disrespect the place like omar did. so yeah glad he left and estela is back. we are back in our 3 meals a day routine.
Saturday was kinda another chill day, didnt really do much which is what i needed. i am planning where im going next week and costa rica y panama in june/july.
Sunday morning i got up and called home to wish my brother a happy birthday and spoke to all the family on skype, it was really nice to see everyone but kinda odd to not be there. then sunday at midday me bonnie kerry and winston went to the plaza nearby to watch the semana santa celebrations end where jesus is resurected. there were gunshots to move the doves although to me they looked like pigeons! they let a load of confetti go too then the live band played followed by guatemalan music on drums then the procession with the float followed by a crowd of people. we joined for a little bit but it kinda felt weird as im not religious. it was such a hot day and my arms got a bit burnt but already its gone brown after a day of normal aftersun, with mucho aloe!
Sunday afternoon me kerry and winston decided to walk to and up Cerro de la Cruz. its a hill with a cross on it and overlooks antigua and faces the volcano. so we were told we needed to get an escort with the tourist police but we asked the locals where the path to it was but we had taken the wrong route anyway. so we walked up this really steep hill and ended up in a village. they looked like they had never seen a tourist before. it was so hot and steep that we had to keep taking breaks too. when we got to the top we took a path down a little way and found the cross. the view was amazing over antigua. shame the volcano had clouds covering majority of it as usual. we spent about half hour there and then found the stairs, the proper way to go up and down the mountain! not steep at all. gradual descent! we felt like such idiots. and without an escort, but we were all good. on the way back we went to monoloco and got the famous nachoes. it was a mountain and fed all 3 hungry bellies!
Monday we were back at school. i had a breakthrough which was amazing! glendy said my pronounciation and my flow when reading it was so much better and i had remembered a lot too! after class i sunbathed on the roof and then went for a beer. the plan was 1 beer at the hostel in town but 5 or 6 beers later it was 6:30 and i was totally drunk. me and winston went back to our house for dinner which wasnt worth it cus it was courgettes and rice only. got ready and went back out for more at the hostel. i called for kerry on the way and she came along later after getting lost! i only paid for 1 drink the whole night as this guatemalan guy called marcos bought everyone drinks. i won a drinking competetion by far at downing a beer to win another beer! i tried some guatemalan liquor. no idea what i was but i had a shot of it. Jurgen bought out his wedding dress (yes a guy has a wedding dress that he got from the market here!) and randi put it on, so funny. overall a pretty funny and good night, totally wasted but monday is the new weekend!
Today i suffered though. school was long and painful, hangover was muy mal but i survived then had a nap this afternoon.
Hope everyone is well at home, and i hope to hear news about the baby soon! 28th i guessed so thursday Louise! haha!
Tomorrow me and kerry are going to Pacaya so that should be amazing. will upload pix to facebook.
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