Hey my wee oz traveller how u doin?? I c yr lookin after yrself - look at yr tan!!!!! Cant beleive its nearly a month since u left!!! Im stratin to miss u guys now - think cos its so close to xmas and new year. yr pics look good and yr mixin wif th ex neighbours crew - always thot that Connor guy was funny.... but u didn get th free booze thats cheek, lol!! U keep updatin this blog cos its good keepin us up to date. Seriously considerin comin to c u next year as got money left over from my savings from flat but only prob is i dunno where u wil b......... better go for now hun. Luv ya and miss ya LOADS!!!! Oh and have a good xmas xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sitting in Beca's room 2day checking off duty, mentioned 2 Jessica that Treasa is in 2moro and Mairi on Tuesday and she said "when's Becky comin?" !! Thot u mite like 2know shes thinkin off u !! Think I mite box her up and send her out 2u, save me from sedating her on xmas eve ! xx
hope you are feeling better and the dunnie is not blocked. you know what lavvy rinsitis can be affected. flipncheck is the watchword downunder if you get my drift. keep up the blog and keep the photos coming. boys in the office aren't bored yet. love dadxx
Hi Becky hope ur feelin a lot better now. Glad to see that at least one of you is keeping us up to date with ur great adventure lol. If u go back to summerbay try to get a pic of leah for me lol. Bet the sand wasnt much fun but better than freezin ur butt off back home. You will miss home now and again but it will pass as ur adventure gets better and u start doin things. When u get to sydney it should be a lot better. still no place for Newyear try and ask someone if you could pitch ur tent in there garden that what I would doand have done in Miami. Or there is always the beach only thing is keepin ur stuff safe and I dont know what its like there we used a car to keep ours in. Anyway kick jills butt and tell her to update her blog and look forward to seeing the pics. Luv u both loads Brian xx
Hi there - sorry for lack of contact but life has been hectic! However Christmas is coming and looking forward to the break. Looks like you're having loads of excitement - and not missing us too much! I guess the weather will be getting better from now on as you're in the proper Aussie summer now. Snow and frost gone from Glasgow, but grey and wet now. Hmmm, where would I rather be? Better go - supposed to be getting ready for church and practicing for watchnight service. Love you loads, and keep up the tanning, but not the burning - remember: slip, slap, slop! Linz xx
hi di hi camper. do they have a knobbly knee competition on site? if so you stand a chance of coming in last! hope you are well, happy and not too homesick. once you hit sidney you will start partying. more photos please!xx
Kim And Rick
Hi Rebecca,
Looking after everything here. Stick in there you are only young once!
We all miss you but are very happy for you.(JEALOUS REALLY!)
Let me know if you contact Brent.
LOTS OF LOVE!! Kim, Rick, Gran and Alec xxxx
glad to hear you are having a great time. miss you lots. went for a big mac today and bought tshirts to hide my cleavage. went for a walk in the snow with dad in camperdown park. now in a pub in perth road with dad. he always did know how to lead me astray. love you loads. will write again.
mum xxxx (and dadxx)
By the way, I hope you weren't buying cigarettes for Grandma!...
Love Alison and David. x.
Hi Becky,
Love your Ted stockings! The Ted stockings at my hospital are white. Great to hear what you've been up to.
Love Alison and David. x
Captain Daveman
Woah - watch you dont blind the pilots flying into Sydney with your peelly wally skin.