hi again,sorry about sore foot +throat infection hope they are better now.
the pictures look great,bit concerned about the burnt bum!
orry i am awful but i have lost your mums address can you let me have it again.
Hey you missing you loads, cant wait until you come back all brown ( you will have to get abth to take the dirt off) only joking - Ellie got your parcel but she not getting to open it until sunday. Marcus is missing you badly, pinning for your safe return to head to the lovley lochee sights that you both use to fo to, bless (only joking). Just to up date you on what you are missing - At the mo Eliie and callum are fighting in the bathroom, marcus has just draged them out so cally is screaming his head off in the lounge now. Oh the joys, just wait until you decide to have kids Its a good idea really, i am still trying to convince myself. Anyway keep having lot s of fun. Going ice skating with Ellie and her pal tomorrow and then having a wee party at mum's on sunday. So will love ya and leave you just now, Take care love us all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Mum And Dad
hi daughter or ours. tatoos! naughty shops! Drink! Riotous behaviour - so proud of our parenting skills. you are a credit to us. will show you our tatoos and piercings sometime - eh right!!! love mum and dad.
Hey becks - good to see your latest photos of New Year. It wasn't nearly as good here! Nothing exciting to share with you, just boring work/life stuff. Keep us posted on where you are now, Linz xx
Debbie Cherry[Tutt]
hello becky
just had a look at your photos,ur looking good and scenery looks fantastic.where are the other 2 tatoos?
Allie Mccann
hello little girl, got broadband and laptop so can see how pretty you are !!!!be a good girl and will bore you with an email soon. don`t bring those spiders home with you !!! lotsalittlegirlluv allie xx
Captain Daveman
Way aye lass yiv gon oop north t newcastul
I like your latest post - you know CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL!
Debbie Cherry[Tutt]
you are definately not boring,its great to hear all your news.i agree wth lindsay you will drink again!not much news from here,weather rubbish !keep the news coming. love debbie and dogs [sam,ozzy,gem]
Hi gorgeous - hope you've recovered from New Year, and I bet you do drink again... Glad you went to the Blue Mountains, aren't they fab! I'll show you my video of them when you get back and we can compare notes. All good here - I'm putting my flat on the market this month, so I'm looking in Lenzie, Kirkie and Bishopbriggs. Will keep you posted, but you can come and stay when you get back. Keep having fun and being safe. I can't BELIEVE you got a tattooi!! Love, Linz xx
Debbie Cherry[Tutt]
hi becky
happy new year.sounds as if you are having a great time.all this eating,drinking and sunbathing sounds really hard work! have been working over new year myself but not too hard.
great to hear msgs from you doreen i havent forgotten you and iwill be in touch soon.
love debbie xxx
Tracey R
Hey, 'Happy New Year' to you. Thinking about Ya!! T xx.
hi becky sorry still trying to get used to the laptop . happy new year. i actually forgot you had this site glad i remembered your pictures look fantastic (so does your tan) it sounds like that you are having a great time but have you met any aussie's, it seems you keep meeting people from home! have a great new year's day. love kirst