hi rebecca, keep calling you craig and dont know why i keep wanting to do that. dad is typing slow because he knows you cannot read fast. i am still back in time of pen and paper. great to get all your news and get your message board read to me. being looked after well at braehill and had a good christmas. knew i had forgotten something - Happy New Year! it is freezing here. all going to al's tomorrow for a new years day for snacks and nibbles and looking forward to that. wont get drunk though!
great to get a wee mention from lindsay. love and miss you lots. Mumxx (assisted by the one known as dadxx)
Hi - just a quick 'Happy New Year' to you - you'll almost be there, and we have a few hours to go. Enjoy, and hope you make it to the harbour for the fireworks. Love Linz xx
Hi Becca - message to your mum first. Hi Doreen - hope you had a great Christmas. I was at my mum and dad's and we had a lovely time - made even better by my brother, his wife and kids arriving on Boxing Day. It's great being an auntie! Val sends her love too. We are on the welcoming committee at church so catch up then. Did you hear Keith and Becky are moving on to pastures new in the next few months?
Becca - hope you enjoyed Christmas, and are lying low in antipication of a great time at New Year - keep us posted on where you are and what you're doing. I'm out at a party on hogmanay, then visiting family 1st and 2nd. A week tomorrow I'll be back at work and the time will fly between now and then. Shouldn't wish my life away, but time always flies at this time of year!
Anyway, much love - keep in touch xx
Tracey R
Hey specks, was reading your blog, good to hear you didn't look out of place on the nurses walk then!! Ha ha yeh definately similar to our NHS then, lol. Glad your getting on fine. Hopefully new year will be Party party party time for you!!! Chin up, and have sent you PM, Take care, T xxx.
Mum And Her Hairdresser!
hi rebecca oh and if lindsay kirk is reading this merry christmas to you and your parents. i dont get out much only to pubs to use the internet with a little help from an old man i used to be married to.
back to rebecca: thanks for the phone call on christmas day and the lovely presents . so much soap now i can sell it on ebay! great to read your blog and the messages of hope from to you from you family and friends. remember to use your sun block even if it does look as if a seagull has poo'd on your face - saves your skin.
keep in touch and keeps smiling and remember we love and miss you. mumxxxx dad aka "mr teazy weazy" hopes your lavvy rinse itis has healed. dont scratch it!xxx
Debbie Cherry[Tutt]
happy christmas becky.great to hear all your news,the tan is coming on ! hope you had a good day.loook forward to hearing more soon.
love debbie x
Captain Daveman
Merry Xmas Becky
Happy Christmas!!! Again, grey and dreich weather, but hey, I got lots of pressies including a slow cooker cookbook - and it's my best pressie!!! So far, have spent an hour just reading the instruction section. I must be old!!! Anyway, hope your day was fab. Much love from mum, dad and me x x x x x x
Alison And David
Hi Rebecca,
You look as if you are enjoying yourself in sunny Australia.Hope you have a nice christmas and a happy new year. We have all the girls and Wesley here for christmas. The downside is I am working, however looking on the bright side I don`t have to cook christmas dinner. We are off to Dublin for the new year so we are looking forward to that. Take care
Lots of love from Alison, David, Tanja,Wesley, Emma and Fiona. xxx
Hey there gorgeous brown girl! I can't believe you take such a good tan - who'd have thought a wee white Dundonian with wegie in her blood could look so good!!! Glad to hear you're feeling better and that Sidney is living up to expectations. All good here - no snow yet in wegie land, just grey and dreich. Again. Singing at the watchnight tonight, and Keith and Becky announced on Sunday they're leaving to move to an Edinburgh church so an emotional evening to come I think! Anyway, much love to you for Christmas - enjoy Bondi (presumably a barbie on the beach?) and I'll be in touch again in the next few days. Love you x x x x x x x
hey cos, hope you have a very merry xmas, we are all getting ready for it, everyone in boney Dundee full of flu. Ellie was looking out for you on GMTV this morning and said she had seen you - hope she did. Well we all send our love and hope you have a brill xmas. Just a little laugh for you - marcus has had to do the flower run today cos doreens missing you. Love and kisses, miss ya loads, take care (god i can go on for ages) bye bye and MERRY CHRISTMAS . xxxxxxxxx oh and marcus mobi broken , cally stuck it in his juice lol xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Dionne