Hey again!
Well I'm into my third week now! Last week was just a case of carrying on with my projects during the week. We had one particularly difficult morning regarding punishment of children as the teacher was properly beating the children with a cane, even making one child really scream and run out the classroom she hurt him so much. It's very hard to know what to do in those situations as on one hand you have to respect you're in a different culture, whilst on the other hand she was just being brutal. Me and the other girl I'm working with couldn't even work out what most of the kids had done in order to deserve such a punishment.
Other than that however, project has been going pretty well. I'm really enjoying teaching English in the afternoons to a class of young adults. I made them worksheets the other week with verb tables on, and vocabulary, and a few exercises to do! When I handed them out it was as if they'd never seen a photocopy of something! I also set them some homework on what we've been doing and they all did so well, I was so proud of them! Lol!
Last weekend was very fun too! We all went out for a meal and then to an African 'pub' on Friday night. Saturday was lovely too as we all just headed up to a local hotel and sat round the pool all afternoon which after doing 3 hours of walking every day of the week was just what we all wanted! Then on Sunday 4 of us went on a trip to some local waterfalls which are at the bottom of Mount Kilimanjaro. The area was so beautiful as it was just lush rainforest with big lush plants and tiny flowers and butterflies everywhere! We also got to try some of the local tribes (the Chagga tribe) traditional brew which they call beer but is basically fermented millet flower. To look at it looks like a pot of wet sand and it didn't taste much better!
Our transport there and back was pretty interesting too- we travelled by daladala which are basically minibuses which drivers tend to pack absolutely full. When I say absolutely full I mean it- a coach meant for perhaps 10 can have 20 people in it with perhaps another 2 people travelling on it by sitting in one of the windows or hanging off the boot! It's crazy but is the only form of transport many Tanzanians can afford and something any tourist should experience. We also had to share our daladala with a live chicken on the way back- the poor thing was shoved in the back amongst all the bags and stuff- everytime the boot was closed as more things were put in it kept letting out this awful squark, and each time we thought it had been squashed so spent the next 5 minutes of the journey waiting for it to start clucking again! Ha ha!
Anyway toodle pip for now! Hope everything is fine and dandy with you all!
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