So I arrived two days ago, flying into Nairobi and then into Kilimanjaro airport. Was a bit of a nightmare at immigration as the people we're working for hadn't processed all of our visas meaning that some of us didn't have one which was a bit scary as they seemed at one point like they might not let us in! Argh! However all is well and we got through after about half an hour! Lol!
On arrival we had a little explore into town which is very 'real Africa'- hustling, bustling, tribes people wandering about in their robes, ramshackle shops, dusty and bumpy roads- but it's great! It feels very authentic!
Yesterday we had our orientation and got to meet everyone in the group properly. We also learnt more about the town, area and our different projects which was pretty exciting. In the morning I'm working in a village slightly outside the town with nursey kids aged 3-5. Slightly worrying is that the teachers don't speak much English, nor do the kids, and I have to spend 3 hours a day teaching them! Eek! However with a good bit of planning this evening it should be fine. Then. in the afternoons I'm hoping to teach some English to adults though I'm not sure of specific details of that yet. The rest of the day we spent over a long lunch in town and generally just hanging out together which was great fun!
Today is a national holiday in Tanzania so we've been up to a local hotel to use their pool and sit in the beautiful sun which was lovely! A few of the guys in my group even took one of the Masai boys who works round our grounds at where we're staying with us to teach him how to swim which was fun!
Everyone here is really lovely, I'm in a really nice group of people from all over the world, including a fellow 2nd/3rd year theologian from Oxford who also lives in Derbyshire!!! It's a small small world!
The accomodation is not quite so lovely. I'm sharing a pretty small room with 7 other girls, and the walls are paper thin so there's pretty much no privacy! We also have no hot running water so a shower is something you try not to have too often as they are f-f-freezing! However the other house has rats so I'm feeling I'm pretty lucky at the moment to not have to face those little critters! Eeek! However it's all part of the experience and hopefully it may get rid of a bit of my princess attitude about looking nice! Lol!
Tomorrow I get started on my project however, and Friday it's SAFARI TIME! YEY! So will update you with much more next week!
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