25th January
We got up and left the village stay pretty early much to everyones relief (now very smelly and dirty) and drove to Sandakan. The journey gave us a good idea of the amount of rain forest cleared for palm tree plantations. On the way in to Sadakan you could see all these houses on stilts that were built over what can only be called a swamp of filth it looked hideous. I didn't like this town much, it was filthy and the malays stared at us and approached us a lot because we were white. The water in the hotel was properly brown.
We did however go to this great resataurant for dinner called the English tea house, it was way expensive compared to normal but I did have a Pimms while playing croquet on the lawn! I loved the food and the 30's music playing in the background. Our table was in the lawn area thankfully covered as it was bucketing it down when we were eating - the waiters used umbrella's todeliver our food across!!
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