We only had one evening in Wanaka, but it is gorgeous! We watched the sunset over the lake and then went to the cinema. Not your average cinema though- they have sofas and 2 Morris minors instead of seats, and they sell freshly baked cookies in the interval (we deffinitely need one in Sheffield and Bristol!). They also have some amazing ice cream- including white chocolate baileys *melts* (aka the one I had my heart set on since we arrived in wanaka and came to see what films were on!) only to find out as I get to the till that they have just run out! Absolutely heartbreaking. And who runs out of Baileys ice cream?!? The film was good though- salmon fishing in the Yemen (blog or film review?). We then met the others in the bar, where there was a bit of a karaoke competition, until the other bus stole our group song. Not cool.
Then we headed to Queenstow
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