Dan's latest entry
Jerusalem, Israel
One of the simple pleasures here is to head in to work for some overtime on Shabbat when the religious shut up shop and everything goes quiet. The gardens are virtually empty and no one is disturbed when I spend a few hours in the quarantine house p****ng out ( haha the website censors that word... my horticultural friends will get a chuckl…
Chris Not long now til we get there Dan!
re: Still alive and wellEsmerelda Wow, how intriguing
re: photo from 20 June 2015taza not awkward at all, i've asked them to do that ))))
re: Istanbultaza sad that u can't see my itchy cheek from the shadows haha. glad that ur having fun
re: Wish ya'll were hereKim Zidarich Good to hear you are enjoying your time there, photos are great, keep them coming. And the writing too please !
re: Long time comingkim z Is this an Orobanche ? Broomrape - a parasitic plant (we have native ones and I saw them in Alaska associated with Alders - bright purple in colour.
re: photo from 05 April 2015Jess Trichodesma?
re: photo from 11 April 2015Kim Is this Ibex in a zoo or a reserve ? Tony is very interested in them, they usually are in Alpine areas.
re: photo from 08 May 2015Karen Very Israeli - sandcastles with minaret tops.... LOVE it!
re: photo from 02 May 2015Jess red natal? looks like a weed from the centre of aus
re: photo from 26 April 2015Jess what camera are you using money shot boy?
re: photo from 26 April 2015Jess that looks fake, could've got rid of the plantain, unless its native
re: photo from 05 April 2015Jess we've been learning about these hyrax critters in biology. You'll never guess what they are relate to...
re: photo from 20 March 2015