Hello from the South China Sea...... Specifically 11 degrees north and 109 degrees east.
Today was a day at sea so this will be a very short and sweet blog. The temperature has been around 90 degrees and the seas WERE still very calm, lake-like this morning. We have inherited a new girl to join our trivia team and she, like Dave, is very smart and quite hot on geography and literature. We won the trivia this morning on a tie break situation! The tiebreak question asked the 3 teams left to name the seven wonders of the ancient world.
After a few moments of allotted time, the papers were marked and we had scored six out of seven beating both the remaining teams. Woot!!
Both of us are recovering from the day in Hue yesterday and looking foward to Ho Chin Minh City (formerly Sigon) tomorrow.
I may have spent a little too long in the pool today and am currently radiating heat from my shoulders and face. Oops.
It is still....relatively calm seas but is slightly choppier than it has been. The wind has got up a bit outside but it still isnt at ALL rough. Just a tiny bit choppy. At least it feels as though we are on a ship now!
We are off to dinner now. Both dressed smartly because we are opting for a resturant tonight rather than the buffet. Still all included in the price but slightly posher!
More of an update tomorrow after our second port in Vietnam. Hope you are all well!
Mum, Little little and little little little are demaning the pool be drained of water before they go in....I think it is a bit much personally.xoxoxox
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