First day at sea and what a good day we have had.
Our day began very early, around five thirty Aussie time, 16:30 UK time. Both Dave and I were wide awake and unable to get back to sleep and so we did what all normal people do at five thirty in the morning, we went to the gym.
I'd forgotten just how impressive there gym on board the ship was.... there is everything I need to keep up my weights work, including a smith machine. Obviously, the gym was empty... normal people are asleep at five thirty am when on holiday.
Once done with our workout we headed off to find an open swimming pool. The sea was moderately rough early on and so the pools were kept closed for a little while.
I asked why and was told that they didn't open them now in rougher seas because, on another Cruise, some non swimmers had thought it would be a good idea to see how they would fair in a pool with waves coming over their head..... apparently it had not gone so well for them so now they keep the pool closed when the Seas are a little bit choppy.
Pretty annoying really because I love swimming in the pool when it's really rough but I would never consider doing it if I was not strong swimmer.
Anyway, by mid morning the seas were calm and the adult pool at the back of the ship was well and truly open. It was really warm around 26° and a lot of the Aussies thought that that was chilly!
We did the morning trivia and found an older couple from Australia he joined us. Considering the number of people who were taking part, we were just one point short of winning and were fairly happy with that. Hopefully, we will just get better and better!
We played some basketball, some croquet... I won the basketball and David the croquet. At around 1:30 PM we came up to the room just for a rest... Waking up again at 4:30 PM! It seems we are still on UK time....
Tonight was formal night so we got dressed up and went down to the restaurant for a meal. David had the Aussie burger and I had the trout.... it was delicious.
The rest of the evening was spent at crooners bar meeting more new people and catching up with Barbara and Bill from last night. Bill treated the room to a rendition of "my way" and, to be honest, he was better than the crooners pianist/singer.
we have just come back to the room and it is around half midnight.....Hopefully, we can sleep a little bit longer and not be up at 5:30 AM in the gym! All in all though, a very good day at sea. Tomorrow is another day at sea.... our body clocks should be fine by then! I am going to spend a lot of time in the water tomorrow and try to catch some of this lovely sun.
- comments
Gary Nice to see you in swimwear as it's the second ice age here.
Gary Looks green to me.
Mum I'm not jealous that I am freezing cold and you're swimming! Does aussie burger translate as Skippy in a Bun ?
julie OK I'm not jealous as be in paradise this time next week too. Best time of year for hols,best way to travel! Lol and lots of fun - 7 here yesterday. If I don't get chance again. Have fab holiday and Xmas. See you soon. Compare tans