Retired & Traveling
We were already in port when I woke up this morning. It was a chilly 67 degrees with 95% much for a dry climate! We met the Honnerts for an early breakfast and then it was time to leave our rooms and go to our staging area to wait for disembarkation. Rich and I were able to go to the Explorers Lounge to wait since I'm a platinum member. We had signed up for an 8:45 am time and as usual, the ship was running just a little late. We made our way off the ship and waited a short time in the line for customs. We were able to claim our bags and then Rich left me with the luggage while he walked over to the Hertz car rental counter. We got our car, a red Hyundai Sonata, and programmed Kit's address into the GPS, and hit the road. Rich wasn't feeling well at all, so we stopped for lunch and hit a CVS for some over the counter meds. We got to Kit's house and just relaxed and chatted with her and Mike for a bit. Rich began feeling worse and started running a fever, so I convinced him to go to the Urgent Care Clinic. He wasn't in any shape to drive himself, so Kit took him. Mike took Richard to his dr appointment, so I had the place to myself. Tabitha, Richard's wife, came in while everyone was gone, so I filled her in on where they all were. Rich came back and said he has a urinary tract infection along with a viral cold. The doctor gave him some prescriptions, and we are hoping he begins to feel better quickly. Kit had made a pork roast in the crock pot for dinner, so while I enjoyed some wine, she made some sides and we ate and then went to bed. I had plugged my phone in to charge and since it was connected to wifi, it went nuts updating all my apps...which I didn't realize and turned it off. When it rebooted, it wouldn't get past the Apple icon and froze. Not Good. :((
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