B 'n' B's Travels
Sunday, November 06, 2011
Departure: 8:15 am MST
Arrival: 4:00 pm MST, Leaf Verde RV Resort, Buckeye, AZ
Distance: 408 miles
Movin’ toward home. We got a little confused this morning (by “we” I mean “I”), because the clocks were not all telling the same time. I finally realized that daylight savings time ended last night, and some clocks adjusted automatically and others didn’t. It never occurred to me that it was coming. Well, I’m on vacation. I have an excuse. It’s not my fault.
One more reason to wonder about the intelligence of daylight savings time.
- comments
rietta daylight savings doesn't matter in arizona! :)
Patrick I think you just need to know 2 times:Daytime = SunNighttime = No Sun;-)
David I remember a great dog named Buckeye. Must be karma at play!
RIch I think Arizonians have their head in the right place, the only state to ignore DST. All this messing around with the clocks twice a year is insane. How many folks ever question the absurdity of “springing forward” and “falling back”, and to what purpose? Some say it saves electricity, but the engineer in my questions how that can be. I have never seen a legitimate study that would support that claim. My dog Molly is entirely befuddled by this messing around c*** twice a year. “Hey Dad, it is way past my dinner time or cookie time”. Or in the morning, “How come we haven’t had our walk yet?” Dogs never try to mess with Mother Nature and for that reason alone are smarter than most people. So, join my cause. Forget all this political wangling about such inane issues as where we should try KSM, and let’s address something of substance with our overpaid politicians. NO MORE DST.