Off Exploring
It was really hard leaving Santa Cruz today. I met Kate at the Village again and we ate a peice of pizza on the beach. I was pretty bummed for a while. Luckily the drive to Frisco is less than two hours, so it didn't take long to get excited again. Luckily there is a parking lot next to the's $60 for 3 days! Then again, the hostel was $70 for 3 days, so that's only $130 for 3 days. Considering that that's less than $50 per night to be in the middle of San Francisco I guess that's really not too bad. I have in and out priveledges with the car, but since parking is already paid I may as well leave it there and take BART instead of taking the car and paying for parking. San Francisco actually has a decent amount of free parking that I've been stumbing upon all day. None of it is overnight though. Today I went to Golden Gate Park for a little while, but I only saw the Japanese Garden because I decided that I wanted to find Lombard Street (the curviest in the world) before the sun went down. I found it just as the sun was setting. I managed to drive it without crashing. Yay me! In the opposite direction was a cool park with tons of things to see. I definitely want to go back there. Oh that means more driving. Oh well, that's okay. I had forgotten that San Francisco is my least favorite city ot drive in. I've driven in lots of big cities and I never really like it, but for some reason Frisco is my least favorite. It was a little better once the sun went down though. After Lombard Street I finally saw the Golden Gate (I hadn't seen it yet), so I tried to get pictures but they didn't turn out well cause the sun already set. Then I headed back to the hostel in search of food. The hostel location seems decent enough...I will put that theory to the test though tomorrow when I try to find the BART station. I don't think that this is the best neighborhood to be walking around in alone at night (or in the day for that matter), but a girl's gotta eat. The people at the hostel told me that Van Ness is 2 blocks away and has tons of food. It's only 2 blocks up. The two blocks to Van Ness aren't the greatest, but I don't think they're dangerous. Just not fun. Anyway, Van Ness I like cause it's well lit and there are tons of people. I stumbled across a book store and got the book New Moon, which is the sequel to the book Twighlight. That would be the book series that Kate got me hooked on in Santa Cruz. I finished the first one today at Kate's, so now I am gonna call it a night and hang out at the hostel with my book. Tomorrow I have to get up bright and early to find my way to Pier 33 for my alcatraz tour. Yay!!
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