Once we arrived at the coach station we were told the bus couldn't get over the Paraguay border as it was so busy , so had to get a taxi to the border and meet it there! Sounds simple but we were lucky to get there alive ! people are nutters we actually feared for peoples lives as motorbike driver dart inbetween buses while buses are over taking artic lorries ! Eventually after crossing both borders we met up with the bus.
The bus was so small and uncomfortable complete opposite to our last experience of a long bus journey. It felt like minus 5 degrees inside whilst looking out on beautiful sunshine. as we were driving through Paraguay we saw all kind of things chained to fences from motor bikes to cows !
After the most longest coldest 6 hours of our lives and endless stops so the driver could do his own errands eg. Picking up parts for his car and picking his mates up we were there ! it was a shock to get off and it still to be 25 degree outside . We checked into our Hotel of 7 pounds a night which was nice! And had a mini bar.
We went shopping the next day in the town, I felt like a celebrity or leper not sure which one was better :s everyone stared at us everywhere we went .
It was 40 degree and even the locals were sweating so we were suffering , taking shade in shops mainly, any excuse ! My Bargain of the day was a hand made dress for 20,000.00 (2.80 GBP) admittedly it's probably there old curtain!
During our own tour of the city we came across a community of people living in make shift tents in the middle of a green in the city. We saw a mother eating nits out of her Childs hair, it shocked us both.
Later that night we went to a restraint Paulista Gill a buffet dinner were the waiters bring round meat on a stick and crave it for you at the table, delicious .. we had a great idea to walk home (6miles) we decided this was not such a good idea after walking for about and hour and nearly savaged by 3 dogs and a pit stop at a bar we got a cab !
In the middle of the night there was a massive storm , all we kept thinking about was those people in tents , the next day we saw how much mess it had caused . Trees had fallen down and bill boards in pieces but everyone was helping clearing up and pulled together to get the city looking nice again.
Next stop two flights to reach La Paz …..
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