We searched all morning for lions and didnt come across one for 3 hours, then on the way back to the campsite we saw a lioness chilling on a rock un der a tree, then after that 12(!) lions strolled passed our truck on the road, it was amazing they were so close if we leant out the window we would be able to touch them.
We then set off to the campsite to pack off and head to ngorangora capsite. When we got there, there were zebras all in the campsite and we were able to get up really close to them and take pictures. One was lying on the floor and we could get so lcose, we were so chuffed it didnt move, but then we realised it was injured by something....
The zebra then decides to wonder by our tent, great. Our tent was on the outskirts and it was gettin dark and the injured zebra with blood everywhere is near our tent attracting more big cats.
When we went to bed once again you could see nothing, Davis had warned us about bush pigs and you cant leave any food in your tent because in the morning you'll wake up next to a pig becasue they can get in the tents if they smell food.
I woke up at 1am by what sounded like a baby lion/leopard or something n then something hit my leg when it was really close to the tent. PANIC! that bloody zebra! i woke Annie up and we could hear this cat crying. I tried to wake Jazz seeing as i was petrified we were gonna get eaten and the repsonce i got was "malerone" .malerone is not gonna help us in this situation! Finally the noises and tent poking went, phew but me an Annie didnt sleep much that night.
In the morning we set off to the ngorangora crater, the views are amazing! we saw a rhino! and there are only 23 in the whole crater, wooo!
i was called a muzungu by the guide because i kept freaking out by all the bugs. Who wouldn't freak out if a bug that was massive and seemed to have 3 bodies kept tryin to fly in your hair.
We had to eat in the car because when we were outside a black kite bird kept swooping down and tryin to steal our food, cheeky!
ps, i have just had an electric shock off the computor, the thanks i get for informing you all about our day to day life
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