Salzburg, Austria May 18, 2009 went to the Salt mines today. Good fun. Went on a little train and down slides wearing white overalls. Went to germany as mines cross the border.
Salzburg, Austria May 18, 2009 yesterday = mozart birthplace, cathedral, catacombs, Salzburg museum and fortress. Fortress was v big with good views audio tour & museum. Hot weather.
Salzburg, Austria May 16, 2009 Yesterday= Untersberg, went up on cable car. Some snow & tame ravens at top. Today= Hellbrunn palace - v lovely, worth seeing. Got there via boat trip
Salzburg, Austria May 15, 2009 Arrived yesterday V hot. Put up tent. Regnet & Donner! Went to sleep as up all night traveling. Heute die sonne schinnt.