Considering we were told beware of the local buses, don't get on them unless they are empty etc etc, we survived, mugging, stabbing and the old men copping a feel and ventured on at least four local buses to get to Mitad del Mundo, it should have been less, but we got lost due to the lack of Spanish and missing the great big monument standing at the gates of the site as the bus passed!! I blame Nic of course! At she made up for it by spotting the site on our second time round on the same bus!! But at least our extra trips weren't a total waste of time, we got to experience more of the local life, by seeing a dead dog and one with a leg missing exposing fresh and bone..all just before lunch nice!!! Now when people say you can do the Mitad del Mundo in 15 minutes they were being too generous, literally it could take you 5 minutes, it´s the centre of the equator where south meets north's, once you've done the typically tourist photo of standing one foot south one north...that's it!! Unless you want to walk around the collective of shops which are overpriced and the same where ever you go! later Nic knew how to make our day, by finding 70cl vodka for £2.50 now that's what I'm talking about!!!!
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