Quito had another hidden gem in the form of a little town called Mindo, there it hid a cloud forest, now in hindsight we should have stayed longer than four hours, but it one of those things you don't know until you get there, how long you are going to need to truly appreciate your surroundings and we clearly needed two days not four hours. However we still got to experience the rainforest and their strong and beautiful waterfalls, in total there was six waterfalls to see and we were told you could walk around in three hours to see them all...yeh right unless you were cheata from thunder cats that was never going to happen it took us nearly two just to see two waterfalls, but the ones we did see were well worth it! That's if you can face the death cable cart ride to get to the waterfalls in the first place!....we arrived to see a metal frame box on a very long piece of cable rope operated by a motor and said a quick pray to the universe and boarded the car to try and make it to the other side, while being half petrified it was like flying across the forest canopy it was absolutely amazing. It was paradise, there were houses being sold in the town and I would consider buying one!!
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