Can't believe it's only seven sleeps until we go! We feel quite organised but still there is so much to do. Most of all, for me (Aleeza) I feel anxious about leaving our kids (21 and 18) at home. I know, I know, they are all grown up and capable (I hope so) of looking after themselves, but still for me, it's hard to cut the apron strings.
I think this trip will be a chance for me to let go slowly...
Back to last minute things to do. There has been a lot of shopping for the trip and to stock up on staples for the kids at home. Each day I seem to have more piles of 'stuff' to find a home for in some nook or cranny in the van. I am starting to feel like I am taking waaaay too much. For instance, clothes. We both began the arduous task of sorting through our clothes to work out what to take and what to leave behind. Six months is a long time and we will go through several seasons. We know the trick is to layer and I also know from previous (albeit short) trips that I often end up wearing one or two items over and over again. After all, who will know I wore that pink teeshirt yesterday...or the day before...
I seem to be living via lists these last few weeks. A list for packing, a list for sorting through stuff in the house (why didn't I clean through drawers and cabinets weeks earlier!), a list of what to buy, a list of what important items not to forget, a list of movies and books to download, a list of important phone numbers to leave behind and somehow remembering to tell the kids all the things that could go wrong in the house - and tips for how to fix it or at least who to call if things go wrong.
And of course, it's time to catch up one more time with loved ones - family and friends. At least I know with Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp and Skype we can stay in touch regularly.
So that's it for today. Back to those lists I was talking about. I think I will plan out some meals to cook ahead and freeze...some for home and some for the trip.
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