Angkor Tom Temple
Tom means big.
Angkor Tom is the famous temple of faces, these are the 4 faces of the king, his four states of mind
There are 49 towers and 200 faces stone carved faces scattered throughout the towers and temple rooms.
Nargar (sleeping buddah) is placed in the top tower. This is the symbol of ultimate peace.
The French originally restored the towers. Now the Japanese are fixing the library now.
A buddist temple originally it was overthrown by the Hindus who replaced all buddah statues with their own phallic symbols (lingar).
Charm and Cambodian broke into war in 1177. The tales of the war are carved in stone. Charm took over 4 years before it was won back.
This temple was made with no mortar, the structure uses Key stones - locks all other stones in place.
Cambodia Have hurricanes but temples stands strong. June July is hurricane season, usually one a year.
- comments
Grandma Hi looks like you are enjoying your trip so far. We are all having a History lesson as well as seeing where you are. Be careful of any monkey places you may go to, as a lady was attacked by a group of them somewhere over there and had to be admitted to hospital !!!!! Look forward to seeing the next episode. Have fun and stay safe. Love Grma xxx
Shazza Bazza Am loving your comprehensive commentary on each site you visit. Are u taping the tour guide??? It's all amazing and sooo beautiful.