We have been following your adventures. Emily and Sara definitely want to do the same. Unbelievably great experiences. Two days ago it was 75 degrees and today we got 10 inches of SNOW! (at my house anyway) Crazy, huh? We didn't get out of school early and it took me an hour and 40 min to get home. All the other surrounding districts let out early. We're going down to see the play tomorrow. The weather isn't as bad in Downingtown so I think we'll be able to get there. I've got a pile of mags for you. I know you'll want to see what happened at home while you were gone. Stay safe. Luv ya!
I just logged on to see what you've been doing lately and am amazed at all you are experiencing. I am soooo jealous of the Africa excursion - I've always wanted to go there. Maybe in a few years, we can plan a trip and you can be my tour guide...! And hanging out with Desmond Tutu? I forwarded that photo to a couple of my friends - I tell them all the time what a cool girl you are.
The weather here is starting to warm up, but not fast enough. I HATE winter and snow! I need a tan! You, however, are looking great, I might add. Have fun and I'll check back with you soon.
Allison reaches the island of Maritius on Thursday and is there for 3 days. She wants to do two service projects and climb Thumb Mountain and go snorkeling. Test in global studies this week. Seas look smooth but the ship is rocking all the time. She missed the play at the church this weekend. Marty is waiting to hear from her. Did anyone mail her anything yet? I sent a card she should have gotten in South Africa. We should senc her Easter cards.
Allison in currently 6 hours ahead of us. She was to leave Cape town South Africa at 11pm today but the winds were too high so they will leave 8 hours later. They are on their way to Maritius, a small island off of Madagascar. Sounds like a vacation after camping on the safari with a wild hyena howling 10 feet away on the other side of an electric fence while sleeping in a tent. The safari was in Kruger National Park. oops she forgot to take her Malarone for malaria, instead she had cipro for travelers diarrhea. goo thing some real friends shared their Malarone till she got back to the ship. Teenagers, what would they do without their mothers' checking up on them. After all this sightseeing, she wants to get back to working on her tan on the 6 days at sea to Mauritus.
Allison emailed us to say she saw the sunrise as the ship pulled into South Africa. Claire was IM-ing her at 8 pm the night before, ie 2 am SA time and she was going to play cards. No wonder she is tired. She is at the hostel now, will leave sat am for the safari and come back on Tuesday. Then she plans to see Table Top Mountain and other fun things. She is spending 2 nights with Haley's family. I wonder what Desmund Tutu will be doing in SA. I wonder if she still feels the boat rocking.
Did everyone read those legnthy emails from Brazil? Sounds like the circus was a highlight. Back on ship "Spot the Hawk" and "Neptune Day" sound like nice new traditions for Ithaca College to celebrate. The safari is coming up in South Africa and a visit to Robbin Island where Nelson Mandela was in jail for 27ish years. I am wondering if it seems "normal" or if black/white tensions can be noticed by SAS tourists. Remember hang with Dessy. What is your itinerary for South Africa?
hey there beautiful,
I am missing you terribly. I've been asking Ben about you frequently, so I've been keeping up on the life of Ally Swink. I hope you are having a ton of fun, it sounds like you are! You are officially the most cultures person on ICFH and I can't believe thing things you are experiencing...especially while we're here at Ithaca (although we did have a snow day a couple weeks ago!). I hope youre classes are going well, and I'm sure youre doing amazing (like Ben who frets over bio tests and then gets 100%...who does that?!). drop a line if you ever get the chance, you know my digits ;-)
Allison called us for the second time from Brazil. Yes she sounds like her same happy self. she just posted lots of updates in her journal from an internet cafe today. She sent us a picture of her and Desmund tutu sitting on some chairs on the ship. I will be curious to hear what he addresses to the entire student body as they get closer to South Africa. She attended a 2 hour church service in Portueguse.....I wonder what words she learned just by repitition. I am glad she had this very cultural experience. I wonder what all the Ithaca students will plan for next year at Ithaca College. Leaving Brazil at 11pm to embark on the 7 day voyage to South Africa.
Hey you! I know you would hate me if I didn't tell you. You're a cousin again!!! No, not that way. Her name is Lola and she is a pure bred black lab about 8 weeks old now. Born on christmas. She'll be big and ready for ya when you get back. Keep working on the tan!
Hye girl!! I"m sure you're having an AMAZING time! I just wanted to check in and say hi! I'm watching the Pens game now and remembered our great trip! It's a yearly thing now remember hahaha!!! Soak up some rays for me, we're all snowed in. Miss ya and Love you tons!!!!
PS: try not to hit a cat lol ;P
Miss you tons girl!
So you have been in Brazil for 8 hours now. what have you seen and done so far? Will you be able to post pictures of you and your new greinds on the semester at sea website? Do you want do send a disposable camera home with Haley's mom for us to develope. We want a picture of you on the ship with the wide ocean behind you!! I hope they stock the ship with more food while in port. I guess you are supposed to be enjoying the Native food-fish, while at sea. Any more Desmund sightings? have fun and be wise. Love Mom, Dad and Claire...she is snowtubing tonight with the church.