One more day at sea!! Enjoy your day at San Diego. Hurry home~~ grass needs cut!
I saw on the semester at sea web site that Desmund addressed the students about the Virginia Tech disaster. The Social on the ship by their sea, a black and white affair, was a huge success because they planned it and many perople had nice new dresses and suits from Vietnam.
They are in Hong Kong now, to get train tonight to Beijing, get a hostel, go to the silk market and to the Noth Race Fleece market, and then to the Great Wall. They turn their clocks ahead again, now 12 hr ahead again.
I forgot to inform you they had to use the life boats to get ashore in malaysia. not shabby either. They had padded benches and the driber sits up high and looks out an opening in the ceiling in order to steer....not like the Titanic.
Oh Allison missed th Noreaster snowstorm on April 16.
Well, I was disappointed. The lizard that was "great big" was really only 8 inches long, but centepedes are 10 inches long.
We got an email on Easter Sunday. The service was great being led by Archbishop Desmund Tutu. They dropped red carnations overboard as part of the service. It took place in the Student Union instead of on a deck because so many attended. I think she was missing us a tiny bit on this Holiday and told Claire not to eat too much candy. I wonder if they got chocolate on Easter.
She is in Vietnam till saturday. Some parents are meeting students at this port. Haven't heard from her yet since they got into port
Allison talked to me today at 8am, that is 8 pm for her. She is having lots and lots of fun and was surprised to see a great big lizard. Does that count as credit for her frogs and snakes class, I mean amphibians and reptiles.
Tomorrow Allison ports in Malaysia, actually it is about now 8pm Sunday because she is 12 hours ahead of us now. Wow daylight saying time times 12!! No wonder she is tired.
She plans to hike the Penang Hill and fisit the Snake Temple. The first evening there is a welcome reception and shadow puppet performance at a local university. The second day they ride a bus 6 hours to Cameron Highlands, a great place for hiking and exploring tea plantations. The bus cost $7.50, the hotel$3 and meals $.50 a piece. She will stimulate the Malasian economy with $10 of American money. Next stop Vietnam next Monday after a 3 day voyage. She has been gone about 60 days now. She is on the second half of the trip.
Allison is at her home stay with another student. The family has hosted 50other Americans over the past 12 years. They went shopping for sarees and then to the beauty parlor to get their sarees put on, makeup done and hair done then off to dinner at a "really nice restaurant" She says she is having "SO MUCH FUN" She will be in a different country each week till the completion of the trip. She still can't believe she had this awesome opportunity to see, meet and experience so many cultures. I guess she was "sheltered" in Downingtown, but I didn't think so.
Hi Allison, India today!
Carol was pleased you sent her a postcard.
I came home from Western Pa yesterday and brought Aunt Mary with me to visit Aunt Dorcas for several days. We had a nice bus trip to Erie. Saw a play, Finnegan's farewell about an Irish Wake. It was very funny! The weather didn't cooperate tho, rained all day!
A reminder, Casey's birthday is March 29th. If you get a chance, send him a postcard too.
Talked to Amanda this am. Now 9 weeks and 1 day pregnant! She's doing good.
Gotta go do laundry. Take care, stay safe and have fun. Love you lots.
Hiya! Just wanted to say hi again! I hope your trip is going well and that you're going to have a lot of fun in India!
You are to arrive in India at 8 am on Sunday Mar 25 at 8 am. that is very soon since you are 9 1/2 hours ahead of us. I posted your plans for India and Japan on the blog site. Be careful drinking water or getting it on your lips while taking a shower. We are curious about the diversity of public health standards you will experience. Don't loose your camera!!!! looking forward to the pictures. You know that will be my souvenir from your trip. Buy material in India!! Any new news or insight from Desmund Tutu?
Carol Z.
Me again. Oops! I've never been able to spell to save my life (but I guess I didn't have to prove it). Be safe, be happy!
Carol Z.
Thanks so much for the bithday postcard. So thoughtful of you I am totally captivated reading about Allison's Great Adventure.
So Al, my spring break is almost over, and sadly, not only did I get stuck in Ithaca this semester with a floor of crazy drunken teenage boys- while you were out meeting intelligent people of the world, I stayed here for break too. Sad eh? But at least I stayed in T2, which is the international student dorm, so I could pretend I was somewhere else : ) I just wanted to write and say Happy Saint Patrick's day, hope you are having a beautiful and amazing time where ever you are. I miss you and can't wait to see you. I really want to come see you when you get off the boat in San Diego, but alas- no such luck. Anyway, I love reading about your adventures!