Arriving in Japan tomorrow at 8 am, actually about 7 pm tonight since she is 13 hrs ahead. When they get closer to the US, they will have 2 may 2nds. That means Nana gets two birthdays. Does that mean longer party or two years older?
Ellie and she did a presentation on Giant land tortoises for Amphibians and Reptiles class.
Plans for Japa…
- Allison Swink
- Last visited:
- Kobe, Japan
Hey everyone! I'm going to use this travel blog to keep you updated on my whereabouts around the world this spring. I'm leaving February 2nd to go down to the Bahamas, but we're not boarding the ship until early in the morning on the 4th. I'll be cruising around the world for 100 days! Tough life, I know. It's an amazing opportunity and will certainly be a unforgetable experience. I hope you enjoy reading about what I'm up to!
***Use the toolbar to the right to get to my pho…
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Allison Swink
Hey everyone! I'm going to use this travel blog to keep you updated on my whereabouts around the world this spring. I'm leaving February 2nd to go down to the Bahamas, but we're not boarding the ship until early in the morning on the 4th. I'll be cruising around the world for 100 days! Tough life, I know. It's an amazing opportunity and will certainly be a unforgetable experience. I hope you enjoy reading about what I'm up to!
***Use the toolbar to the right to get to my photo albums and journal entries. Each journal entry is listed separately, so you have to use the toolbar to click on the different dates. I hope that makes sense! Since my internet time is limited, I probably won't be able to get too many pictures up during the voyage, but I will put them up when I get home.
P.S. Here's the countries I'm visiting: Puerto Rico, Brazil, South Africa, Mauritius, India, Vietnam, Malaysia, China, Japan...and then one day in Hawaii :)
Jane OMG that's an amazing view! and you're right it's really steep!!
re: Jumping for Joy