I survived India! Although it was sooooo different from home, I can admit that it was the best cultural experience I’ve ever had in my life! I laughed and cried; it was so overwhelming, yet the people were so welcoming. By the way --- NO GI COMPLICATIONS!!! WAHOO! Malaria is questionable, though…I got a ton of little bug bites on my legs on the last day. Don’t worry, I’ve been taking my Malarone religiously since South Africa. The bug bites are pretty itchy and kind of weird because they’re like little pimples, not the typical mosquito bites. GUESS WHAT??? I was able to take some clippings from newspapers at my host family’s house AND we found someone on the ship that had the BEST newspaper clipping. I WAS IN THE PAPER! There was a picture of the ship and then a big picture of Becky, Hayley, and I riding in a bicycle rickshaw when we got there on the first day. During the ride, we noticed a car driving by and they were taking pictures but we didn’t realize it was for the paper. How cool is that?! The paper with our picture in it was written in either Hindi or Tamil (the local language), so we don’t know what it says…but whatever! Pretty cool, huh? 2 days until Malaysia! It’s going to take me HOURS to recap all the days in India in my journal…That’s on my list of things to do after my 2 tests tomorrow (Saturday). Real quick – Disabled children’s home was AWESOME. They have an OT unit there! We met 2 PT students from the Netherlands that have been working there for the past 6 weeks and spoke to them about coming and doing fieldwork here. I got info from the woman in charge too, so I can look into it more. I would love to do at least one of my fieldwork sessions outside of the U.S. either in India or Africa – or someplace in Europe! Anyways, we did some scrubbing and painting in the morning after our tour, and then after lunch we spent time playing with the kids. There was a girl, Radhika, and a boy that I played tic-tac-toe and the “dot” game with for a long long time – they were so much fun! Radhika gave us her address because she wants Hayley and I to send her a picture of us. Study time – stay tuned for pages and pages of stories from India!
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