You are now talking to fully accredited dog behaviour therapist and trainer with the COAPE association, as i aced my diploma...... WOOHOO!
Thats better than a slap round the face aint it!? (which i thought i was gonna get for my last piece of coursework i can tell you!)
I am now an affiliate member of COAPE and will soon be a practitioner! Life is sweet!
(p.s. we did the cooking course today which was ace so we will be cooking Thai for you when we get home!) tomorrow is trekking.
The photos currently say 167 minutes for completion of uploading!!! so may have to abort half way through and do again another day. You should be able to see some though (there are 180 altogether!).
Blog again will have to wait i'm afraid....
Lots of love,
Hayley Wilebore. Bsc, DipCABT !!!! yerh!
Hi all.
This is a fleeting visit so dont have much time but couldn't resist telling you that we have the pictures of the giant pandas and hippos for u.sam! (just got back from the zoo). The dog place was a real insight to say the least. We are going to try and go for a whole day on monday or tuesday but getting out there is hard so we are waiting for them to do a vet run so they can pick us up and drop us back. Will write blog soon i promise but we now have to go organise our trek and book it and tomorrow we are doing an all day cooking course (so excited). Somewhere i have to fit in yoga and massage too as we aim to leave by thurdsay. Its nearlt time to go to Borneo you know!!!! being ill has a lost us a week and we are really feeling that loss but it will be fine.
So happy to hear from you Becky, i'm so glad the car is ok, i was just thinking of you last night and hoping Cas and Jesse were all right, so i'm glad they are. Still dont know about my coursework but will let you know as soon i know.
Gotta go now or i wont have enough money to pay for th einterent time...speak to you soon
love to all xxx
Mum (Liz)
Hi to you both,
Im so sorry to hear that you have both been poorly.
I've been away on my biomechanics course for a few days and didn't have internet access so I didn't know. Lots of healing thoughts are winging their way to you now. so you should both be fighting fit from now on.
It sounds like you are having some wonderful experiences, meditation, massage and being surrounded by dogs, sounds like heaven to me!
Thank you for my birthday present, it hasn't arrived yet but I'm quite excited as to what it might be. I hope you haven't spent too much money though as I know finances are tight.
I'm really loving your blog entries. You both make your trip come alive for us all, and seeing the photos of you is reassuring that you are happy and well.
Will write again soon, take care of each other. Much love to you both.xxxx
Hi, sorry I have not sent a message sooner, it sounds silly but the message board scared me. I have issues with computers and doing new things on them scares me. I just wrote you a message nearly finished it them some how lost it. So this is my secound try. Dont laugh.
I have been reading everything that you have been up to, it sounds so amazing, you both describe it so well and with the brilliant pictures as well feels like i have been out there too.
Glad you finished your course work, obviously you didnt manage before you left, dont blame you, at least you didnt have to rush it. Let me know how you do. Cas is behaving very well, much less barking, would be better if I did more training but I am working so much when I walk them I am so exhausted very little training goes on, but it definitely works, they are much better in the car as well. Agility has turned into a bit of a disaster, she has joined two groups together and it is run by her and another woman but there are too many dogs. Especially when the next group arrives waiting for their class to start. There were possibly nearly 20 dogs in that small field poor Cas got all stressed out and jessie nearly died of worry. Oh well I am going tonight and if it is like last week I dont think I will go again which is a shame cos they enjoy it so much, that is when they are not surround by 20 out of control dogs.
Me and 'HEN' (the car) are getting on well together, she is behaving herself. Nice to drive, quite heavy took me a while to get used to steering. but she was a good buy, thank you.
Look forward to hearing about your day at the dog shelter. And more of your adventures. so glad you are having such a good time. sorry again i didnt write sooner.
take care
Mum (Caryl)
Hello mlfff&h
Sooooooooooooo glad to hear that you are okay. As you know what a neurotic mother I am you can imagine how concerned I have been to think you were poorly! Had all but had my injections and booked flight out to bring calpol and cuddles (am pathetic I know!!)
Just be careful what you are eating!
Hope you enjoy your time at the dog shelter Hayley. How about you Daniel; are you going to be doing the same, or any meditation? If not what are you up to?
Nanny and Grandad send their love to you both as do we all
Take care and look forward to the next instalment!
Came back from an overnight meditation retreat yesterday with Buddhist monks teaching! So much to tell you all, will write a blog soon but now i'm off to help the local dog shelter do some training and socialisation which has to mean ...puppies! yay! Think i've finally found my feet out here and what i need to do .
Sharon and Caryl i think you should get together! It think it would be great for the both of you :)
Well... i'm off to do what i do best - get filthy and play with dogs all day so speak to ya soon!
Huge love to all xxxxx
Woo Hoo .... better now,
I ate part of a frozen (yes frozen) steak and kidney pie the other day and have been very ill since...oops ha ha.
Never mind wont do that again lol
Mum (Caryl)
Please tell Daniel that he must take the rehydraton stuff and that he is not too big to have a smacked botty if he doesn't do as he's told! Please also make sure he gets treatment - I know you will, but you know what a fussy worrier I am!! Sending lots of love to you both xxxxx
P.S. Can I be a guinea pig too?!
Oh my God Go you Sharon! Thats fantastic! i'm a guinea pig, pick me pick me! This Skype thing is new to me i dunno what its all about (So old before my time!) so you'll have to let me know. But i'm so happy for you, i can see in my mind how happy that path is going to make you!
I'm on my own today, coz i'm better and Dan is poorly. Seems like we're taking it in turns. He's actually quite bad in that nothing is staying in (to put it in the nicest way possible). So big thoughts for him please. If he doesnt get better by tomorrow morning i'm taking him to the hospital just to make sure he doesnt get too dehydrated as he wont drink the bloody sachets i bought coz they're "yucky"! deary me. Please don't be too worried Dans mummy he is ok, i will look after him dont worry.
Lovely to hear from you Georgia will get you that pic soon! and some of the puppies in the shelter that i will hopefully be working with soon!
Anyway, as we havent done anything but sleep for the last 3 days there isnt much else to say, so speak to you all soon, will let you know when Dan gets better.
Love and hugs, Hayles xxxx
Hi Hayley and Dan,
Haven't had a chance yet to read your latest blogs as I have been away. You will be pleased to hear that I am now a fully trained life coach and I will be fully qualified ( ie completed my diploma when I have done 50 hours of coaching!!) So exciting. Will be concentrating on launching my business on the following months. Any willing guinea pigs?! Am registered with it doesn't matter where you are in the world!
So sorry to hear you have both been ill and Hayley Get well soon darling.
Love from Sharon xxxxxx
I liked the photos of the elehants. I want to hold an elephants trunk like you did. Thank you for saying you would get me a photo of the giant panda. lots of love from Georgia xxxxxx
On my own today as Hay is now ill and I'm better. Just a 24 hour thing I think. Just wanted to add a slight ammendment to Hayley's blog entry. I was up way before her....she didnt get up till lunchtime and i was showered dressed and raring to go. Glad we got that sorted now. x