Asher's Trip
Hi Everyone!
I'm just testing my blog out, I am sure you all will already know Sara and possibly Ashley is setting up a blog as well, so I thought I would lay out what to expect from my blog.... If you are looking for informative information on what we got up to during our trip or the history of the places we visit, head over to Sara or Ashley's blog!
The aim of my blog is to offer my perspective on my adventure which can be translated as me taking the piss out of everything and cracking hopefully funny jokes!!
I won't be offensive as Frank Boyle though hahahaha
As quoted from The Terminator.....Hasta la vista baby!
- comments
Peter Kendall Hi Asher, Thank you for let me know of your new blog. Wish you every luck for your wonderful travelling experience. Smile Peter
Elon woo love it! be safe big bro!
Margaret Worrell I shall look out for your blog every day. Hope your trip is fun,informative and safe. You might not pass that way again so make the most of it. Love Gran x
judy Life is for living, live life to the full. May you be blessed with a safe journey and a wonderful experience. Bon voyage!!
claire Hi Looking forward to hearing of your travels. claire
judy Hi Ash, check this out, i can blog By now I guess you have landed and you might be feeling tired, overhwhelmed and excited all at the same time. Just know that all of us back in England are thinking about you and wish you well. B.T.W Julie has uploaded some wicked photos of you all on facebook. Love Mum. x