Day 21: Dayonta Beach
Our sleep was disturbed at 3am when Richard was woke up by someone banging on the door asking us to move as some lorries left through the night and there were several bays free for us to park. We all woke up for a one minute journey before resuming our sleep again.
Eventually we all woke up and it was boiling hot as we all made a conscious decision to save on petrol by turning off the air conditioning that we usually left on through the night to cool us all down whenever we are in a RV park as it is powered by electricity outlet that we plugged in. However due to the fact we are freedom camping and as the result we would be using petrol to power air conditioning so we had to ration its usage. It was that hot that the fringe of my hair dripped with sweat which is hardly an attractive thing to visualise for you readers!
We then endured an all-day drive to Washington. We decided to give Dayonta Beach a miss as we have been to enough beaches by then and we wanted to travel less next day. The whole day flashed by without any incidents to write about until we all decided to stop for dinner. We parked next to a lorry and we noticed a rather savage pit-bull hammering the window to get at us. We all were discussing about this matter when the lorry driver came back from his toilet break and chuckled at us before going on to inform us that the dog has bitten him in the past. As if that is not disturbing enough, he proceeded to open the passenger door and unleashed the dog on us!
A great cliff-hanger eh? However in the reality, soon as the door was opened, the pit-bull turned very friendly. I think the dog was just bored!
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