Charlie 'miss My Mummy, Got Any Spare Pennies' Ineson
Hi mummy its meeeee! we have arrived safely (only just) in sydney! we had a severe case of turbulance on the plane, it even dropped at one point,, v.scary stuff! i didnt sleep a wink so we have spent today with jetlag. The city is beauitful it was really cool flying into it we could see everything! our oz friend met us at the airport and our other one is coming out with us tomo!! home soooo soon waaaaa hope u r all missing me, cant wait to be annoying again when i get home! thankyou please goodbye xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Mummy I
Hi its meee. Hope you are feeling better Charlotte. Tory and Jim went to see Gran yesterday and she was ok. They met Jean- she took a shine to jim for some strange reason. Well its work again for us mugs tomorrow. Speak to you soon Baby Girl. Obviously you're fed up writing blogs now cos you haven't done one for ages. Take care the two of you. Love Mum xx
Mummy I
How bizarre- dont know how I sent that message twice! Silly me, love you xx
Mummy I
Hi Charlotte, your hotel sounds a nightmare, wouldn't like it at all! Don't be worrying about grandma- I told her she has thrown herself on the floor for attention! Victoria is going over Sat and will check her out . She will probably feel rough for a couple of days so Ive told her to rest as much as possible- she refuses to go to hospital. Well hope you're feeling better and I will speak to you soon Baby Girl. Take care of each other, love you lots xx
Mummy I
Hi Charlotte, your hotel sounds a nightmare, wouldn't like it at all! Don't be worrying about grandma- I told her she has thrown herself on the floor for attention! Victoria is going over Sat and will check her out . She will probably feel rough for a couple of days so Ive told her to rest as much as possible- she refuses to go to hospital. Well hope you're feeling better and I will speak to you soon Baby Girl. Take care of each other, love you lots xx
Charlie I
hi mummy been tubing again tday!! i will call u tomo as it has been a long day and we r going bed now!! night night love u lots xxxxxxx
Mummy I
Hi Charlotte & Ashley. Hope you have survived the "tubing". Is that what its called? Why would you want to scare yourselves so much? I must be getting old cos it didnt sound like fun to me! Love you xx
Just a quick note for Ashs mum- Linda, you can see photos on this blog or whatever they call it. Have you seen them? Look as if they havent got care in world-well they havent have they? They will be home soon, then you will probably wonder why you have missed them!! Love, Chars mum
Linda £ Taylor
hello both its sat morning i have a hangover and have wagged work went to janes last night the manision ash when can i have one of those how long before i rake the benifits my spelling is bad education cant beat it hope you are both well you must be bored by now doing nothing what is it like. did you get your bank balance have you got my present its my birthday soon cannot get any pics of you two forgot what you look like miss you both have a great time love mum
Mummy I
Hello Charlotte (Llb law honours). Just a quick message to let you know I am thinking about you. You rec'd a letter marked "Urgent" and "Graduation" but I havent opened it. Do you want me to? Take care, have fun, love Mum(BME)
Charlie 'miss My Mummy' Ineson
Hi Mummy its Charlotte (llb Law honours) here. Sorry havent written for ages, been super busy sorting our stuff out. We couldnt cancel flight to Oz so we just had to change the date so we arent there as long. The only date they had available was 2nd July before August so that is when we will go. We are just going to have to Budget loads and stay in Sydney, Ash is happy we are still going, and if we love it we can go back over to do training contracts. We went to the massive market again yest, i saw a char pei puppy for sale, just like george but lighter coloured, he was sooo cute i couldnt stop touching him, he was 5000b, approx 70 pound, and the woman said he was pedigree, there was loads of pugs (my future dog i have decided), Cocopop's and cockerspaniels. We went with our new friends, Laura and Ash who we met in Khophangnan. We all get on really well, they are both 25 but childish like us. Today we took them to the amusement/water park and were goin down these massive slides on our fronts and my boob fell out. it was quite funny but a bit embarrassing!! we had a proper laugh but then there was a storm so we got drenched. We are going to Kanicharbare tmo or day after to see the tiger temple. you can walk and cuddle the tigers but rumour has it they are really badly drugged and it is quite cruel so we wil have to see!! Then we are hitting Laos which is meant to be beautiful, i have got a book which i have been reading where we are going when we get there, ash calls me a geek! Then we are doing Vietnam b4 we hit Oz! i will write my proper blog tomo i promise so keep checking! love u and miss u lots, 1st Ineson to have a (proper) Degree (soz Catherine!!) xxxxxxxxxxx we are hitting bed now as we are shattered....saddos!!
Mummy I
Whos a clever girl-and boy then? Congrats to you both. Charlotte- just think what you could have got if you'd worked hard ALL year!Lol. Where are you now then-have you decided to stay in Thailand? Well its rubbish here, Sean let us down Friday and then again today so its bye bye to him but harder for everyone else. Dad says thank you for your email fathers day card. You sound so important with letters after your name, I am v. proud of you Baby Girl. Carry on having great time. Take care, love to you both xx
Mummy I
Hi Charlotte and Ashley. Wouldnt have liked being in the storm! Did you go to the Half Moon Party in the end? The weather has been great here the last few days, pity we have to work unlike some! Cant believe Froggies last day tomorrow, it has gone v. quickley. Hope to speak to you soon Baby Girl. Take care of each other, love you millions xx