Hi Lottie, hope you are both ok. Dont suppose you will be watchin the game tonight-do they have tellies in Camdodia? We have not been able to get tickets for Wembley, couldn't persuade Dad to get a box at £800 each. Bella is completely recovered from her op.Laura has booked hols in Turkey. Other than that, no other news , everyone is ok. Keep safe.xx
Loz, u r a geek writing on here, this is for parents really, the cool ppl (not sayin mums arent cool) write on the facebook group! will call soon. going to see one of the 7 wonders of the world today! lots to update with so ill try ater xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx love u xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi its meeee lozza!!sounds like your both having a brill time but im missing you lots,is there any chance of a fone call char?going to see gran on sat so will keep her updated for you!!be careful and KEEP away from all them scammers!!ash look after char,love and miss you both xxxx
Charlie I
Mum, what is the word dad said i cant work it out!! Linda, sorry about the long message, there is just so much to write about, dog run in car is fine. Both, we have arrived in Cambodia and stayin at very nice hotel for 2.50 per night. i will update properly later or tomorrow xxxxxx
Mummy I
Hi Char, sounds like your havin a crazy time-no surprises there!! Cant believe you keep falling for all their scams. Take care both of you. Miss you millions. Love Mum.xx
PS. Jim says "Hi" and Dad says "Be careful with those k*** " which is a strange choice of words in the circumstances. xx7
Linda £ Taylor
just read 2nd message i thought you were a bit more sensible then this dont you realise these people are just after your money be careful please can charlie make messages shorter my sight is bad with these new glasses
Linda £ Taylor
hello me again just moved charlies car, collected 107 bottles and food and chance i can use car for my dog moblie if i clean and put petrol in love and kisses mumxxxxx will not use until you confirm i can use or not
Linda £ Taylor
Dear Ash brothels happy baccy what next will you ever be the same boy that went shopping with me to tesco what is charlie doing to you have a great day be careful and love you both , Dad Jamie, Rose, Daisy, Libby, tig and soph all sent our love miss u xxxxxxxxxx
Mummy I
I was joking!!! Are you impressed with my techno. skills` bet you didn't think first message would be from your mum!! Take care. Speak to you laters-going to grans now xx
Charlotte Ineson
Mother, use your imagination.... a smoking 'pusseycat' but without the cat! it wouldnt let us write the word on here!! love u and miss u xxxxxxxxx
Mummy I
Charlotte-whats the **** stand for? Ha. Missing you baby girl. Take care, have fun. Watch out for dodgy looking packages in your bag. Love mum xx