Arthur's latest entry
Mesa, Arizona
Hi everyone!
I'm finally coming back home! You can follow my flights:
Phoenix - Detroit: DELTA DAL928
Takeoff: Saturday 06th November 11:01 Local Time (19:01 Belgian time)
Landing: Saturday 06th November 17:40 Local Time (22:40 Belgian time)
Aircraft Type: Airbus A321
Detroit - Amsterdam: DELTA DAL134
Takeoff: Saturday 06th November …
Motté-Vandenberghe Jozef Blij je eens terug te zien, goede reis Arthur
re: Back to Belgium!Hubert Sovet A very nice bird....I thing I have seen the same plane last summer in Saint Hubert,south of Belgium....e
re: The Piper Seminole, the twin engined aircraft that I will fly after I have finished the single engine phase. This is also the aircraft on which I will perform my final exam.Hubert Sovet beatifull pictures for cactuslovers.....Thanks Arthur.
re: The wild flower gardenMotté-Vandenberghe Jozef Mooie natuurfoto's, Arthur. Wij zijn er zeker van dat je ervan genoten hebt. We duimen voor je eerste solovlucht. Wellicht intensieve en spannende momenten. groetjes van je oma en opa.
re: Phoenix Botanical GardenHubert Sovet Good luck Arthur,we cross the fingers for your test AND for your first flight alone in the sky.....
re: My first testHubert Sovet Vincent found this fantastic.We saw the Great canyon with him but from the north side and we had no time enough to cross the canyon over.Hope you have a very good time.With love from all of us.
re: We watched the sunrise at Yavapai PointOpa en oma Motte Indrukwekkend dit natuurfenomeen, daar zou ik wel eens een paar dagen willen in rondstappen. Opa en groetjes van oma.
re: Road trip to Sedona and the Grand CanyonHubert Sovet Congratulations my boy! What's easyer: landing or take-off? With love from Belgian Ardens.
re: My very first landingHubert Sovet5 Very beautifull pictures but i don't like mexican food
re: The Black Bird, the fastest aircraft in the world. It’s record is 3530 km/h.Iris Wauw Arthur! Knap hé!👍
re: Me and my flight instructor JuanOma en opa Blij te zien dat je het goed stelt en het echte werk eraan komt. We volgen je met veel belangstelling. Oma en opa
re: First day at Falcon FieldHubert Sovet O O God what a nice plane....and a nice boy.....Papy We are soo lucky to see you Arthur, starting your dream !!! Enjoy and fly !!!!! Brigitte
re: Me and the Piper Archer TX, also known as the PA28-181.Hubert Sovet Wouwww !Really beautiful this arizona road. We have no snow but _11°!!!!! With love from Brigitte and Papy
re: An overview of the city