So we arrived in Sydney on a high from having an amazing time in NZ, and knowing that some more of the brighouse boys were waiting for us. We immediately headed staright for the wood duck hostel that we knew Adam was staying at and got ourselves checked in for the whole week. Just after we checked in we realised Adam was the 'entertainment manager' at this hostel and we walked into the TV room, and there he was just chilling out! Can't really explain what a good feeling it was to see this guy, he had given us a lot of advice previously about where to go and what to see, and it was just a sweet feeling to see a friendly face from home.
After reuniting we decided to head up to starbucks in the city centre to talk about all of our travelling so far - we then made way to a local pub for a beer. It was an awesome night, even though we didn't do too much. We had a quiet drink and just realised what an adventure we had all been on so far. The next say we went around the city centre and had a look around the shops and had some dinner. Sydney is an awesome city and we'd recommend it to you all. There are as we always say, loads of cool things to do if you have the money. But, as we were on tight budgets we just window shopped and nevertheless it was still ace!
Whilst in the city centre we though it would be an idea to get ourselves aussie sim cards so it would be easier to get in touch with everyone. On our way to the phone shop, by chance we bumped into Rick and Vanessa and this was equally as sweet as it was the day before - seeing adam. We all exchanged hugs and kisses lol and arranged for Rick to join the group in a few days time.
Throughout our stay in the wood duck hostel we met a few new people aswell as just kicking back in our old brighouse crew. We met a couple of cockney geezers who we would later get to know even better in a streetfight (al and alex) haha. These guys were a giggle and we hung out with them quite a bit during the week plus a couple of nights out in Kings cross (red light district). We went up to kings cross a few times for a cheap night out in the world bar and the gaff. Ryan, Rick and Alex also did a few days work in Kings cross handing out flyers for Tribal travel, in exchange for free nights in the hostel. This was a laugh, and we gave away free internet to the crackheads of sydney ha ha.
On of the only crappy things about Sydney was the weather had been dull and wet all week, though it was stil humid and warm. Midway through the week we did get a bit of sun and so we made the most of it by walking onto the park right outside our crib and playing 'soccer' lol. It was a laugh, we played games of 'slam' for old times sake and kept losing the ball. But it was a good day and the first sun we experienced in Oz. The same night, was what the week had been building towards. A massive night out in the city!! This wouldn't let us down either, and we started the night in similar fashion to our mini nights out earler in the week by drinking goon. Adam recommended a club called Chinese laundry (weird name) so we went there and got very drunk, and danced the night away - Ry fell asleep on the dancefloor lol. The music was way to loud and we all had headaches and our ears were ringing the next day - but it was one of the best nights out on our journey so far. Well worth it we think :)
The next day as you could probably imagine was spent sleeping recovering and laughing about the night. We then started to look forward to the next step of the trip which was Byron Bay - where we would join up with Nick and Luke. Rick left us a day earlier to get up there, which is 13 hours on a coach, as he had been in sydney a full month. So after Rick left us we pretty much just chilled and watched South Park, and then ate cheap Malaysian $4 boxes from town. We headed to the bus station the next evening knowing we had a big journey ahead of us. We had a proper ACE time in sydney, but again we knew we were heading for something just as good if not better in Byron because there would be 8 of us then. So on it goes....
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