Guess you've been waiting a long time for this blog, so here it is!
We're in San Diego at the moment, didn't really get a chance to write anything in SF due to the fact we were so busy every day. We've done a hell of a lot of travelling in under a week (Manchester to London to SF to SD to Tijuana), so we're all pretty tired and still getting used to the whole travelling thing!
Right then. We arrived in SF Airport after 11 arse numbing hours and were greeted by America's finest homeless people. We made our way to the BART train and headed towards our hostel. When we arrived we were told that we had been split up, so we were each in a different room with a bunch of people from all around the world. We managed to get the next two nights in a four bed room, so we were all happy then. SF is a cool city, very busy and full of tramps, and has a good range of decent shops, so would be a great holiday destination if you have the cash, but not the best place to start a world tour with a tight budget.
We were told that Americans were real friendly, but no one said it was just the freaks lol. On the first night we went to a diner for some food and whilst we were eating, some hippyfied looking girl called Cara came to chat to us. After about 3 minutes we were ready to run! She didn't seem to have all the lights on upstairs if you know what we mean lol. After putting her hair in Alex's food and helping herself to some of his milkshake, she informed us that it was legal to sleep with whoever you want at 18 years old, then invited us for a walk. We said thanks but no thanks and she left us alone, thank god!
On thursday we headed out to Fisherman's Wharf, Pier 39 and the Golden Gate Bridge on SF's sunny, but breezy, coast (which mislead us to thinking we were safe from the sun - we found out otherwise!) All the pics we put up are from one day walking round the entire city (which is actually massive), so we would have been happy spending only a couple of nights there.
To sum SF in a sentence - "I'll take verbal abuse for spare change!"
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