Well, after 3 days of cancelled flights and sitting in airports, I finally arrived in Frankfurt, Germeny. Thankfully I still got here in time to see the city, with almost 2 full days left! It´s funny that I thought Frankfurt would be bland. I guess I was comparing it (in my mind) to other european cities (not that I#ve ever been to any). But in reality, there is no comparing Frankfurt to North American cities. It is beautiful here! The buildings are old and made of stone. Thereäs a river running through the city and its so warm (relatively speaking, as a Canadian of course). Since its a saturday and I leave tomorrow I wont get to do any shopping because apparently nothing is open on weekends. But this is porbably for hte best! There´s still plenty to see and lots of pictures to be taken. This afternoon I went out exploring this morning when I got here. It´s very beautful, the buildings are amazing. I was taking pics of this one building and the closer i got made me realize it was a fine art museum! I went in and saw Monet, Van Gogh and Renoir!! I love Van Gogh so it was awesome! I sat on a bench by the river and wrote in my journal. Grabbed a bte to eat and had a nap (jet lag gah) at 5. I woke up and went to eat at a nice chinese restuaraunt. Russ said I can´t leave Germany without having a I had one there. Tomorrow I´m going to eat at a pub and have a pils before I take off for Africa. I also found some book stores that are open and foudn out where the cool attrations are so im checking that out tomorrow. I´ll have to wait until im in south africa until I update again. I´m not lookig forward to the 13 plus hour plane ride...but i cant complain!´Stay tuned and keep sending the emails and messages, I love them !!!!
And thank you ro everyone that helped me get here...I didnt do it by myself! Joel, for doing bottle drive after bottle drive, my parents for not trying to stop me and forking over some $$, and the businesses that sponsored me: Moncton's Global Pet Foods, Turtle Bros Funeral Home, Napanee Walmart, Napanee Giant Tiger, Normapac, Shear Dimensions, Armstrong Funeral Home and my aunti tracey, uncle sean, chris and grampa dave for their donations! Thank u all!
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