Not that we regretted going over to the groomshouse. We had a good time drinking, playing mahjong (Hello Kitty stones! :D), getting hustled playing pool against Earl, catching up, avoiding Trisha's wrath (thankfully mostly directed at the bridesmaids) and general chillness. All good things must come to an end however and we did have to return to the hotel at some point. Luckily we'd all see each other again the next day!
We only JUST managed to get to breakfast in time that next day. Not bad, but not a stellar start of the day. Coffee was good though.
After our belated breakfast we headed to the bridesmaid house where we had a second breakfast courtesy of Jenneen :)
The bridesmaids (Jenneen, Julie, Kat and Maya) and bride were going through a day long tortuous process of getting hair and make up done. Once again, making me thankful for being part of the opposite gender! Still, there were moments to chill, chat, and realise that I had met Maya and Kat at Tufts many, many years ago! We both thought the whole process rather remarkable: so different from the Dutch weddings we are accustomed to. Spending the whole day together with your bridal party (which we don't really have either) and preparing for the wedding, pretty cool to be honest. It was definitely very special to be part of it. After make-up and hair were done there was time for a photoshoot with the wedding photographer before we had to rush off to the wedding location!
Having parked our car at the hotel we hurried to the wedding location around the corner, making it just in time to claim the best seats in the house for Trisha's grande approach. The location looked idyllic and Trisha was absolutely gorgeous as she walked at her fathers and mothers side. With some beautiful singing, and brilliant vows the union between Trisha and Emmett was confirmed (for the 3rd time, but who's counting? This is the one that counts!) and the party was ready to get started!
Thankfully we were seated at the best table of the party, joined by Semanteen & Sandeep, Kay & Nick, and Scott. Scott, who will forever be fondly remembered for the best wedding advice any of us had ever heard: basically, be the 3rd most drunk person at the wedding. The 1st and 2nd person will always be remembered, but the 3rd most drunk person will get away with his reputation intact! Given, at this location due to the pool-which-isn't-a-pool (despite stairs and pool signs) getting very drunk could end up with costing you a $200 fine for falling into the pool-that-happens-to-be-a-fountain. The wine and champagne flowed freely the whole night and before we knew it, it was already time to depart, though not for the party to end!
After waving the happy newlyweds goodbye, we got into the bridesmaids limousine - there was even more alcohol so we toasted again on the newlyweds during the ride!
I'm not completely sure how long we/everyone lasted at the afterparty at the groom's house. I do remember being very glad that Sandeep had managed to uber us back to the hotel, for which I thanked them by invading their somewhat private discussion... whoops (still sorry about that :)!
Waking up was definitely not fun. Q was very very hungover... and now we had to go for a winetasting tour in Napa Valley. We set the alarm for 9, so we could join brunch at 10. We didn't make brunch. In all fairness, we were barely on time for the meet to go winetasting at 11:00. Wine tasting was a struggle, and thankfully we weren't the only ones. The older part of the group (think parents) were decidedly chipper off the bus than the brides and grooms friends. The wine was delicious though, and there was plenty of it providing enough for somewhat of a recovery. But it was at the 2nd location where Kat & Earl saved the day by getting take away BBQ for the whole group - especially helpfull for us as we've skipped our breakfast.
On the third and last winetasting location there was even more food and they offered huge oysters! Q did manage to eat some but regret that she was still so hungover that she felt like she was constantly on how she call it 'on a stand-by modus' and she could have been more of a fun if this wasn't the case. Although she did enjoy the winetasting Tour including present company. There was even some 'Tindering' going on at our table which made it hilarious.
We concluded our winetasting 'dagpuntje' with frozen yoghurt. Our wellfilled cups would've cost us significantly more in Holland... I really think they have to re-evaulate how they charge for froyo over there! We chilled for an hour or so before we left for dinner with the whole group. More drinking, more food (for Jenneen, who'd order 7 or so dishes, especially) and more hanging out... we were already somewhat sad with the idea of everyone having to leave!
We decided to hang out for a bit at the bridesmaids house. That bit suddenly turned into several hours when we checked the time. It had been a long day and sleeping hungover left us barely rested. The choice was either the couch at the bridesmaids house or a bed in our hotel room... we ended up going for a real bed. I don't think either Q or me spent more than a minute after entering our room before we were asleep in bed.
The next morning we checked out and left at 10:00, to hopefully join up with everyone in San Francisco for Dim Sum.
Dim. Sum. So. Good!
Jenneen had to go early, but we'd be seeing her again. Unfortunately the same could not be said for the rest and we had to say a somewhat more definite goodbye to Ben, Maya, Sem and Sandeep... hopefully they'll come visit us in Amsterdam!!
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