Our trip has come to an end..... The picture proves that it is time to leave.... Never mind the feet, there are other things in desperate need to cleaning, i.e. clothes, our sleeping bags and various other things in day use!
As it is, leaving Lukla seems to be another mission! We have met plenty of stranded travelers already, who were scheduled to fly out at a specific day and time and then were not able to leave because of apparent bad weather conditions. Flights happen mainly in the morning between 06h30 and 10h00. they call it 'waves' as there are three to four distinct approaches, i.e. one wave consists generally of 4 planes arriving and departing within a 10 minute turnaround time. this is pretty good, considering that a plane must land, taxi, off load their goods and passengers and then load and depart, all within a maximum of 10 minutes! The same process happens with all four planes, which are literally arriving and departing within a space of maybe 20 minutes to half an hour. Then, there is peace again for an hour and half, before the next wave begins, delivering eager climbers and collecting exhausted ones for their way back to Katmandu.
Where the problem comes in is when these waves are not completed for aforesaid weather conditions or otherwise. The passengers left behind will now move to the last spot of the queue for tomorrow's process! Yes, they will fly out only after all scheduled passengers have been dealt with! That means that this could mean that they would only be able to leave in wave 5, which (to my knowledge) never happens!
This situation now causes that people (desperately) trying to get back to Katmandu are now stuck! How the story goes.... The owner of our lodge is also the major shareholder of the airport, the major of Lukla, the owner of a helicopter business around town, as well as the major shareholder of Tara Air, the only commercial flight operator between Katmandu and Lukla! What a fantastic business opportunity!!!
This of course, added some additional ammunition to any arguments around us getting out of Lukla in a hurry, and without additional cost!! There was simply no way that that was going to happen! Also, depending on our frustration levels, our willingness to pay a premium to leave town, increased! This is certain how the business model works!! Let them get frustrated or run out of time and they will pay whatever amount just to beget back to Katmandu as soon as possible! We paid US$350 per person to get us out of there....normal? Well, yes, if you are stuck!! Others tried to hike back - 4 days and at least another 8hours Jeep drive to get back...we heard some horror stories here....
This was one of the lowlights of our trip, and after nearly two full days of waiting, debating and deliberation, we eventually flew out via chopper!
But then again, this is part of traveling and it (as always) depends on the attitude one displays relative to any situation you have to face when traveling! For me, it was a little bit of a variable ride....feeling ok with the situation and then again, really irritated by it! Different I guess, depending on the 'in the moment' emotions surrounding the situation I found myself; same for all the others in my group!
When arriving back in Katmandu, we were truly delighted seeing the other group waiting for the planned dinner departure. First priority for us of course was to get that long awaited hot shower and a change of clothes! Man, did this feel good!!!!
Meeting up, sharing some of the stories was the theme of the evening for all of us; a rather happy occasion!
The evening did not last too long for us, as we were generally exhausted!
The next morning was not even enough time to go shopping for these last minute gifts....there was just no time! Although the time limits, we made time to have a good breakfast and after that, a visit to the local hotel barber shop! Pictures of before and after tell the story!!!!! Happy moments....
Then it was back to the room, pack and get sorted for the flight back home....and little did we know....
Arriving at the airport, we all began to make our way through the waiting queues....until I got to the checkin counter. The lady assisting me looked through my passport and then exclaimed that she cannot proceed further with my checkin I did not have an India visa!!! Our trip was from Katmandu to Deli and then from Deli to Mumbai....with customs clearance in Deli, making the Mumbai flight an automatic domestic flight! Meaning that we all needed to have a visa for visiting and entering India!!! Non of us did fulfill this requirement!
A lot of frantic calling, complaining, irritation, confusion and disappointment of the members of the group....we got so far and close to going home....surely, this cannot happen to us now!?
It did....
After about a 2-3 hrs at the Airport, trying to organize, arrange and plan, we Were met again by our local tour guides, we earlier on happily waved goodbye....for another transfer to a hotel (the previous hotel was fully booked)!
Then, to my surprise, I was offered a lifeline in form of a ticket back home...via Quatar. I was delighted and quickly had to go into a shop to purchase another bag to store and distribute all my luggage....which I did, walking rather fast into and out of town again! Mission accomplished....after a brief supper in a restaurant across the road, I got into a taxi back to the airport...
What a trip...there were moments, when I was not sure if I would ever get to my destination, as my driver took some really shady roads to the airport....but eventually, we got there and I was happy to get on my way!
Checking in....again, could have been easier, but soft me, it was not supposed to be! Rearranging luggage, rue packing, the one bag into the next, and back again, just to optimize my luggage penalty!! It was worth it though... I negotiated from US$285 and had to finally pay an amount of US$70!!! What a relief!
Eventually I sat in the departure lounge - thank you Diners Club!!! There are at least sometime some benefits!!!!! And then, boarding time....I am really off, back home!!
Just about there....and arriving. Last minute preparations by the crew....and I have touched down....SA, I am back!!!
What a wonderful trip it was!!! An experience of a lifetime!! Happy to be back!!! Seeing my family, who I missed so much over these past weeks (only rather limited contact due to reception issues in the mountains)...finally, back!
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