April's Travels
Howdy people.
We got to New Zealand about a week ago and flew into Auckland. It was tres chilly. Our trainers still smelt of sour milk after the hike in Cook Islands so we spent the next three days walking around in flip flops, sometimes with socks and sometimes without. If it\'s good enough for the Japanese it\'s good enough for me!!
We spent a few days in Auckland doing bits and bobs, mainly shopping. Washed out the smelly trainers, tried to buy a new pair but couldn\'t find any trendy enough and i am not a trainer girl so was really not into looking for them. Bought scarf and gloves!! We went up the sky tower for the view of Auckland and to watch the base jumpers. Crazy people that throw themselves off the side of the tower and shoot down to the ground attached to ropes.
We also caught a ferry to Devonport which is a little town across the bay. We had fish and chips by the harbour. It reminded me so much of Torquay, i didn\'t feel like i was in New Zealand at all.
Becs also had to get treatment for her back, she\'s managed to put it out picking up a hair brush but needs to make sure it\'s all tip top in time for us to throw oursleves out of a plane and go rafting, hey ho.
So after spending a few days ambling around we were off to Rotorua.
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